Why is it that folks without children feel as though, not having any children is a good thing?
"The Bragger" I'm 25 years old, with no kids, my own car, house and two jobs. ;-) First things first, is that all you have going for yourself? Is that all you have to offer? All material things that has no value and two employers that careless about you. In my opinion, people with that mindset are weak and selfish. Weak because they can't handle the responsibilities of being a parent while still having their own car, borrowing their home and making two employers richer. Yes, I said "Borrowing your home." Stop paying your property tax and you will see who owns it. They are selfish because they want to keep all their royalties to themselves. I mean who would carry your legacy other than your children? Are you afraid that someone would look at you different if you created new life? Wait, I know what it is family and friends; They are afraid of the criticism that comes after. They are afraid of being a great father or mother. They live to impress people that...