Good Morning Friends and Loved ones. A person or may have all the materials and money in the world, but that doesn't mean he/she is happy, or that they know how to love, or even care for you mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Take the time to know yourself and know your worth, dig a lil deeper when you evaluate your ideal candidate for relationship purposes. - Davis, Jameel
Showing posts from November, 2014
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I'm thankful of life; a healthy body, mind and spirit. I thank the creator for showing me my purpose in life and for allowing it to impact others in a positive way. I give thanks to the creator for blessing me with a strong support system and a beautiful family. I give thanks to myself for having a passion to love support and protect those whom I come in contact with. I give thanks for the ability to be disciplined, confident, humorous, intelligent and respectful. I give thanks to my higher power for placing me in a positive and safe living environment, for allowing me to have my finances in order, for providing me with an excellent education and good investment vehicles. - Jameel Davis
The Reintroduction Of Me (Part 2)
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I like to think of myself as an educator and mental therapist, even though I don't have a degree in those areas. I have impacted the lives of many by educating them on goals, self-discipline, respect, and in countless other areas. I've also made an impact leading by example and keeping my word. I enjoy uplifting people and supporting their desires. I have eliminated hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I have caused others to believe in me, because I believe in them, and in myself. - Jameel Davis
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As Men it's Okay To Disagree and Bump Heads, As Long As We Can Reach An Agreement and Shake Hands. | As Men We Must Lead By Example And Protect One Another As Well As Our Family and Community. | It's A Pleasure To Have Met This Brother Michael Houser, I wish you much success in your career and in your future. ✊✊ | #IamMyBrothersKeeper #Community #Together #Leadership
The Reintroduction Of Me (Part 1)
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I am not a follower, better yet I am a leader. I am not a protest organizer, although I support positive energy created by others. I'm part of the revolution, but I do not support the destruction of property and the harming of others. I am part of the Cleveland Renaissance Movement; our mission is to Secure and Enforce the Protection of the Human Rights of All People of Color. - Jameel Davis
Message To My Brothers
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Brothers, what I need you all to do for me is to respect, love, support, protect and care for our children and sisters. Protect our homes and our communities. Be leaders in the home and in the community. NO MORE BEING DISRESPECTFUL TO OUR WOMEN, NO MORE ABANDONING OUR CHILDREN. NO MORE BEING SELFISH. - Jameel Davis
Social Media Attack
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ARE YOU BEING ATTACKED ON SOCIAL MEDIA BY UNWELCOME MESSAGES SENT BY UNWELCOME PEOPLE? IF So, PLEASE contact the owner of the website. Do not send inappropriate messages or comments back to that person. If it continues, contact your local law enforcement agency to file a formal report. Be mindful of what you post on your social media and who you associate yourself with, so you can prevent such attacks from occurring. - Davis, Jameel
Hello? Can You See Me? Hello? I'm Right Here!
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Aren't you tired of being treated unfairly? Aren't you tired of the social inequality/ injustice across America? Aren't you tired of not having enough money, goods and services? Aren't you tired of your local community leaders/organizations not supporting you? If so, it's time to take ACTION. No Violence and Protesting Required. What we are going to do is Boycott. We are going to Boycott people and organizations that do not uplift our community, give back to our community, or support us outside of their four walls. We are also going to abandon foods/items that aren't beneficial to our health and survival. We will no longer contribute to people/ organizations who do not contribute to us. BOYCOTT LIST: Walmart • Sam's Club • Liquor Stores • Fast Food Restaurants • Hair/Beauty Supply Stores • Financial Institutions • Spiritual Institutions • Educational Institutions • Strip Clubs • Nightclubs • Bars • Casinos • Mov...