Many people make excuses as in why they live a certain way: "My parents didn't have any money" or 'The government doesn't help us' or 'The rich have all the money and they don't pay taxes.' If your parents didn't have it to give to you and no one else is handing it to you, that mean you have to go an get it yourself. Once you reach a certain age in life, you can no longer make excuses and blame people for your unhappy life. You can't sit around and wait for someone to hand it to you because it's not coming. Think outside the box and go get it. #PayYourselfFirst This isn't a retreat, this is business. I have to go get it so my family and I can live the life we desire. #LasVegas #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus #YourLifeMatter #OurLivesMatter #NoExcuses #GoGetIt