Public Service Announcement: Anyone who's not uplifting you and encouraging you to be your best self is not your damn friend. They are your enemy. Anyone who rather encourage you to inhale marijuana and guzzle down alcohol regularly is against you and have no respect for you at all. Because if they had respect for you, they would have respect for themselves. If they had respect for themselves, they wouldn't settle for anything as low as drug and alcohol abuse. Anyone who encourages you to spend your time and money carelessly on things that have no value or things that are destructive to you and your peers, aren't your damn friends. Your friends aren't the ones who think highly of you 24/7. Who only compliment you when you are doing your best. Who's only around when you are looking your best. They are their at your worst and carry some of your load for you. Your real friends make your problems theirs and work alongside of you to create solutions. They don't j...
Showing posts from August, 2015
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I have eliminated negative tendencies from my subconscious mind and therefore I would rather create friendships/relationships with those who have done the same. I'm not jealous, I'm not envious, I'm not hatred towards anyone, I'm not selfish and nor do I have insecurities. I don't like arguing or criticizing (destructively). If we don't share some of the same values mentioned above, it's impossible for us to create a foundation, build on it and grow. Eliminating negative tendencies from my subconscious mind resulted in me being the successful, educated and highly respected individual that I am today. - Jameel Davis
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I have eliminated negative tendencies from my subconscious mind and therefore I would rather create friendships/relationships with those who have done the same. I'm not jealous, I'm not envious, I'm not hatred towards anyone, I'm not selfish and nor do I have insecurities. I don't like arguing or criticizing (destructively). If we don't share some of the same values mentioned above, it's impossible for us to create a foundation, build on it and grow. Eliminating negative tendencies from my subconscious mind resulted in me being the successful, educated and highly respected individual that I am today. - Jameel Davis
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The issue with most individuals is that they only worry about how they feel. They never take into consideration how others really feel. When your mission is only about self and not others, you'll find yourself in defeat. Practice processing thoughts and making decisions that will benefit both parties, not just yours. - Jameel Davis
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Money can't buy the most important gifts of life and it can't buy back yesterday. Like: #Love - Closeness siblings share that have been taken away, but the closeness we share now that we have each other. #Time - 20 years a part from your sibling, and the time spent with your sibling on your birthday. #PRICELESS #Kindness - The little things siblings do for one another, like providing little tokens of appreciation. There's no dollar amount to bring back the many years missed, but your presence today mean more than any gift or reward I've ever received. I Love You Sister
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There may come a time in your life when you meet someone who will never let go and whom you can't erase. No matter the circumstances. That individual will ride the wave regardless of how many times the surf board 🏄🏾 comes from beneath their feet. When that moment comes, reflect back on all those moments when people came to visit just for a season🍃 and think ahead to those who have supported you when they left and up to where you are now. I thought of my life and environment as a fish tank. I had fish that came, went and stayed. I had all different types of fish living in my habitat: some were eating some to get to the top of the food chain, some were there to just look good but served no purpose, I had some there to guide me to cleaner areas of the tank, I had some that guided me and tried to keep me in the dirtiest areas of the tank. I had ones that fought hard to keep my tank clean; holding on to the glass, cleaning up my environment and remaining in my habitat th...
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Happy Anniversary of Life to I, whom is the leader of my temple. The gift of life is the greatest gift of all and nothing truly matters except the love I receive from those who matter most. I Give Thanks for this Perfect Day. Miracle shall follow miracle and wonders shall never cease. Man is a perfect idea in Divine Mind, and is always in his right place, therefore I am in my right place and is divinely protected. From here I will continue to follow the path of love, and with that all things will be added, for God is love and God is my supplier. - Jameel Davis 🎉🎂🎊 ** Save The Date: Sunday August 23, 2015 from 3pm-9pm there will be a Celebration of Life gathering at Kerruish Park located off Tarkington Ave (off Lee Rd) for my little brother and I. Feel free to join us. **
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Good Afternoon Good People, Let's kick off the day by Shaking Off yesterday's baggage and worries. Here is a fresh opportunity to feed your mind positive fruits and vegetables. Cleanse your mind of negative thoughts by feeding it positive images, music, books and people. Negative thoughts affect your body's systems, they create disease and disaster. After cleansing your mind, cleanse your body and environment. The vision then clears, and with it a feeling of relief and sooner or later comes the manifestation of good, be in health, happiness or supply. With Warm Regards Your Brother Jameel
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The important decisions I make in life are decided based upon my own instincts and therefore I will not allow anyone to make them for me because I am who I am. What others think say or do will not deploy me, I will deploy myself because I am who I am. #YourLifeMatter #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus #Identity #Opinions #SelfConfidence #SelfKnowledge #SelfWorth #THISISCLE #KnowThySelf #OwnThyself #Stand
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Society and other's don't define who I am. I have my own definition of self and therefore, anything you or anyone say regarding my identity can't change the fact that I am who I am. I cannot and will not argue with you to change your opinion about me, because I am who I am. Your opinion of me is your own opinion and the only thing that matter is my own opinion of self because I am who I am. The important decisions I make in life are decided based upon my own instincts and therefore I will not allow anyone to make them for me because I am who I am. What others think say or do will not deploy me, I will deploy myself because I am who I am. By: Jameel Davis
"Brain Teasers For Singles"
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Since you've been single for quite some time now, have you grown mentally and spiritually? or are you still stuck in the same mindset from your last encounter? What have you done to better yourself? What have you learned about yourself? How much time have you invested in finding the new you? What have you learned being single? What new things/ideas do you value? How have you prepared yourself for the next available person? What characteristics and/or values should your next partner possess that are of value to you? What is the new mission for when you become part of a partnership? By Jameel Davis
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If your values and mission stop at money and material possessions which has no value, we cannot be: Homies, Lovers or Friends. If you don't know who you are outside of your name and social security number and are defined by what society think you are, we cannot be: Homies, Lovers or Friends. If you don't love yourself as you are before applying makeup/foundation, weave, and before dressing in those expensive clothes and shoes, we cannot be: Homies, Lovers or Friends. If you are programmed to think so small and not willing to think outside the box to achieve greater heights, we cannot be: Homies, Lovers or Friends. If you look for me as being a gold mine or sugar daddy or being your 100% provider, you are wasting your time. We cannot be: Homies, Lovers or Friends. By: Jameel Davis