In truth, we all missed a lot that we can never get back. But today is a new day, and we can choose to make the most of the opportunities God gives to us. That is part of the ongoing process of being Set Free! Who Needs To Be Set Free? I did. Perhaps you do, as well. The son or daughter who has held onto anger against a parent; the marriage partner whose trust was betrayed; the parent whose child has forsaken his or her upbringing and has lived contrary to the values the parent believes; the friend who has been offended; the business partner who suffered financial setbacks because of someone else; the dedicated worker who has been terminated unfairly; the list could go on and on. Who Needs To Be Set Free? Anyone who has ever been wounded or hurt by the words, actions, or attitudes of someone else. ...everyone has pain from the past, wrongs inflicted upon them, times when they have been mistreated physically, emotionally, or spiritually. The only remedy for ...