HIV Negative and STD Free!!!

On April 7, 2011 I went to the clinic and got tested for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, and HIV... on my arrival I wasn't nervous or anything, in fact I was just as normal as I would be if I did not have a reason to be at the clinic. I was not symptomatic, I was practically feeling just fine. I have not been sick in years and my overall health is great. I got my vital signs taken and while doing so I held a great conversation with the nurses regarding my visit. I wasn't nervous or anything, just as happy as I can be. I got blood drawn and got my urine taken to the lab. The nurses said I would get my HIV results in about 15 minutes after I get my blood drawn and that my other results will be in either 4/8, 4/11, 4/12, or 4/13. The nurse also stated that if anything came back positive they would give me a call. If my results came back negative, I would not receive a call. So I waited in the lobby for about 20 minutes until the nurse called my name. She called my name and we went back to the room to review the lab results. At this point I'm still not nervous. Upon reviewing the results it was said that I was "Negative" for HIV in which I knew I was negative anyway. Well today is April 14, 2011 and I have not received a call from the clinic, which means I'm negative for all STD's. I'm HIV Negative and STD Free, Are You? You're Not Sure? Well Get Tested Today!!!
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