One Way Streets Where There Should Be Two Way Streets.
It's crazy when you be all you can be for the person that you are with and they take advantage of your kindness. She start developing her own rules for you to follow and she start talking to you anyway she want because she think you are submissive. When you defend yourself, she get mad and tell you "you're not the person I met or fell in love with." So now every time you stand up for yourself when she come at you with an attitude, she gets mad when you say something back. Now she go on and on about how you use to treat her and she was the one that caused the change in the relationship. You still do your part in the relationship, feed and care for her; but yet it isn't enough because you don't sweet talk her like you use too. Furthermore, you are working and she isn't. You are working your ass off during the week, current bills have been paid and you decide to step out on a weekend with friends and she gets mad when you do so. Now one of her expenses comes up such as a phone bill and she get mad when you say you don't have it. Then she a say "you ain't got it but you can go out with such and such". So now she went from talking to you any kind of way, making up rules for you to follow and now to controlling how you spend your hard earned money. Now she's stressing more about how you have changed in the relationship. Lets take a different turn. Your cell phone once use to ring all the time before you started dating the person, once you started dating the phone calls slowed down a lot. You are a full time student and work part time. You come home to your partner every night if not every night you're talking on the phone with them. You have to study for exams, write a paper and have to be up in the morning for work or your 9:15am class. Now, she suspect you are messing around with someone cause you don't spend at of time with them but they know your everyday class and work schedule. Tell me where do you fit in the time to do such thing? Your phone still doesn't ring as much, text messages are coming in clean, she reads every message, she enabled a gps tracking app on your phone so your every move can be monitored without your knowledge. You find out that your every moved is being tracked when she confront you about not being some where you said you were even though you were right. Now you have a feeling that you want to leave them alone but you manage to hold on. You understand why you aren't the same person you were but she don't. She want you to change back into the old you but she won't sacrifice her ways. She's quick to judge without evidence and yet you still try your hardest to play your part. You don't spend the night out, you don't go over people house often, your a full time student, you have a decent job, you take care of her and you're still considered a bad man. Where's the two way streets?
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