Can A Woman Be Truly Happy With A Positive Man?

Can you truly be happy with a positive man? A man that has a clean record, who doesn't stay out wee hours of the night, whose phone doesn't ring every 5 minutes, whose working on a college degree, working hard at a nice decent job, who takes care of all his responsibilities without being told to, who has a great sense of humor, who is respectful and loving, and who makes you his priority, but still chat & joke with his lady friends?

If you are a woman that can be truly happy with this kind of man I salute you. However, it's some women out here that thinks that type of man isn't good enough. They want him all to themselves; no lady friends even if it's only a Internet relationship. If they lose out on that kind of guy, they can kiss finding another one goodbye. If he ain't good enough for you, no one is unless you want him to be the opposite of what I mentioned earlier and what he has accomplished.

They say it's hard to find a good man and don't realize they have one right in their face. But then again they're so picky and try to paint a man perfect and yet they aren't half the person that man is. There is no such thing as a perfect person and they fail to realize that. Either you take what they have to offer or don't take them at all.

As a man, I don't ask too much from a woman. All I ask is that she love me for who I am, support my efforts and accomplishments, be there when I need someone to lean on, don't complain about every little thing and I'll love you like a woman should be loved.

If you complain about every little thing, you aren't doing nothing but hurting your relationship and possibly pushing your partner away. The last thing a person want is someone who complains about everything. No one will ever be perfect, do with the good you have and be happy. If you let someone that's positive slip through your fingers, he/she would be the jackpot for the next soul searcher.


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