The Day You Learn To Turn Every Difficult Situation Into Joy, Is The Day You Will Find Joy and Happiness. Be Thankful For Everything, Even The Worse and Difficult Things. Just Say "Thank You Lord For This." It Made Me Become The Man I Am Today, Full of Joy and Laughter.
Showing posts from 2013
This is the second time I have heard you talk about how criticism can push a man away. I did it (do it). So how would we go about telling y'all that we don't like something, or do we? I mean do we ignore the things that y'all do that may irritate us?
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You approach it like an adult should. Pull him to the side away from everyone or even take a walk and address it that way. Jumping right on his back with aggression about the wrong doings will only make it worse. I mean seriously, do you really think couples can be wholeheartedly in love all the time? There will be many things that will irritate one another and something's should not even be mentioned especially if you know it can't be changed. As a suggestion, I would say think before you act. Ask yourself these questions; Is it really worth the fight? Will it make or break the relationship? Other than this issue, do he make me happy? Is the good still outweighing the bad? Life isn't meant for you to like everything your significant other does, no one is perfect and everyone has the right to live their life the way they want to live it, it's up to you to decide if you want to put up with the lifestyle he live.
What is a man prospective on dating a woman who is domanating and aggressive? Is this type of demeanor enough to make a guy leave?
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It all depends on what kind of guy he is. Some men love to be the dominant one in the relationship and make all the rules, some men like for the woman to be dominant and to make all the rules. Some men like for each other to take turns playing the role. Now after being in a relationship for a while and the aggression and dominance just starting to come out, then yes, it can force a guy to leave. As men when can take criticism to the heart sometimes; we prefer to be praised more than criticized. If criticism out weighs the praise then you may find him heading in a new direction soon. Hopefully this answers your question.
Lets provide a better lifestyle for our children so they don't be trapped in the criminal justice system.
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I am really thankful for all the professional resources I have came across over that pass few weeks. They have given me advice and information I need in order to secure a career position. I've been using the provided information to the best of my ability and It will soon open many doors. I have the foundation, I just need to build a house and furnish it. Special thanks to Wilson Kuzyk (Deputy Sheriff of Portage County), Michael J. Talbot (Retail Executive / Consultant at MJT Retail Consulting), Ramona Aytay (District Loss Prevention Leader for JCP), Jeff Rotsky and the Rotsky Foundation for Mentors, Joe Klir (Rotsky Foundation for Mentors), and Jack O'Breza (News Channel 5; Sports Journalist). I also would like to thank CAESARS ENTERTAINMENT INC. for allowing me to be one of the select few that has been chosen to become part of the world’s largest and most prestigious gaming company with over 40 locations nationwide and across the world. I’m looking forward to making a differe...
First Generation College Graduates and The Entry Level Job Market
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Many of us have applied to many job positions using our High School Diploma and GED. We have found out that the job market was very difficult to get in with just a High School Diploma and GED. Many employers have skipped over our resumes and letters of interest after seeing that our highest level of education is High School and having no job related experiences. So we ask our parents, teachers, employers and various other individuals, what we have to do in order to secure the interested positions in the future? They tell us to further our education, “Go to college and get a degree”. We then say, “we can’t afford college, we don’t have any money”. Then they say, “Financial Aid, you can take out loans to cover your cost and you can pay them back after you graduate college.” Now we believe a college degree is the way to securing a job position and a way to get out of poverty. “If I graduate from college, I can get the job I want and live comfortably… “If I gradua...
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I would like to give a huge SHOUT OUT to the person that has supported me and motivated me the most since I've been here at Kent State University. He has stood by my side and walked with me almost every step of the way. He has been there through the beginning and ending of relationships with women and have helped place a stay focus shield over me, so they didn't distract me from maturing into a successful, responsible adult. Almost everyday we talk or hangout. No fights, no arguments. Nothing but happiness and laughter. He helped share some of my best college experiences. He is the best attentive listener I know and always deliver the best responses when discussing issues that matter the most. This is my go to person when something heavy is on the chest and mind and I can almost guarantee after the conversation the weight will be off. He have watched me from near and a far, developed into a successful and responsible adult. It may have taken a while, but it has been accomplish...
Boys Aren't Men And Girls Aren't Women
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I think it's crazy how most females have a baby by a boy then expect them to be a father to their child when they don't even know how to be a man or a father, HE IS STILL A BOY, which means he's still in his developing stages. Also I think it's crazy how these males get these young females pregnant then expect them to be responsible women when they have no clue as in how to be a woman, SHE IS STILL A GIRL, which means she's in her developing stages.
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Someone Asked Me What My Ideal Type Of Lady Was. I Replied: 1.) Educated (Senior In College or Graduate) or In Their Career Already. 2.) Goal/Career Oriented 3.) Attentive Listening Skills (Required) 4.) Verbal/Written Communication Skills (Highly Recommended) 5.) Organizational/Time Management Skills (Required) 6.) Outgoing/Outspoken (Required) 7.) One Whom Is Their Own Person (Required) 8.) Flexible (Like To Do Different Things) Notice I didn't mention anything about money, cars, homes, clothes, jewelry, children, race, ethnic background, hair length etc. I didn't mention anything about loyalty or honesty because an educated woman with all those characteristics would already have that equipped within. Also notice that the characteristics listed above is kind of like job requirements for a hiring position. An educated man like myself, need a woman that has more than nice looks, who can clean and cook, and can do other fun things at night besides hit the club. It's Always ...
Don’t you dislike when people use words in a sentence and don’t know the meaning?
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Someone once told me I was “hypocritical” because I support them going to school but I won’t let them use my vehicle to get to and from school. I guess the person think I’m supposed to sit home all day and then go to work late because they get out of class late? Let’s take a look at what the word “hypocritical” really means; “ Hypocritical describes actions or words that go against someone's beliefs”. An example of something hypocritical is having strict moral values but then having an affair. You decided if I fit that title. However this same individual told me that I was “petty” because I’m selfish with “my truck”. Keyword: “MY TRUCK” meaning I bought it, I own it and it’s in my name. How can that person depend on my truck for their needs? Now let’s take a look at the word “petty.” The definition of petty is something relatively worthless or unimportant. An example of petty is cash kept on hand for very small purchases. Petty also means someone who gets caught up in smal...