This is the second time I have heard you talk about how criticism can push a man away. I did it (do it). So how would we go about telling y'all that we don't like something, or do we? I mean do we ignore the things that y'all do that may irritate us?
You approach it like an adult should. Pull him to the side away from everyone or even take a walk and address it that way. Jumping right on his back with aggression about the wrong doings will only make it worse.
I mean seriously, do you really think couples can be wholeheartedly in love all the time? There will be many things that will irritate one another and something's should not even be mentioned especially if you know it can't be changed.
As a suggestion, I would say think before you act. Ask yourself these questions; Is it really worth the fight? Will it make or break the relationship? Other than this issue, do he make me happy? Is the good still outweighing the bad?
Life isn't meant for you to like everything your significant other does, no one is perfect and everyone has the right to live their life the way they want to live it, it's up to you to decide if you want to put up with the lifestyle he live.
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