
Showing posts from September, 2014
The best part of waking up is knowing that someone is waiting for you to change their life. - Davis, Jameel  #Jaheir
We can no longer allow others to label us as something we are not. - Davis, Jameel
Selfish thoughts lead to selfish actions and selfish actions lead to severe  consequences.  - Davis, Jameel
We need to understand that opinions aren't created for everyone to agree, but for everyone to voice their thoughts and reach an understanding. - Davis, Jameel
Women why do you allow your partner to run the streets? Better yet, why do you have one that run the streets? Are you fascinated by the fast money, luxury items, and street life? Did you know that money, luxury items, and the street life don't last long? Did you know that the outcome of that lifestyle is either prison walls or a 6 foot deep hole in the earth? Ladies? How could you sell your soul to someone and for something so cheap? How could you devote your time and feelings to someone that is so selfish? Selfish in doing selfish acts; robbing, stealing, killing and drug dealing. These are selfish acts because when they are out committing these crimes, they don't think about you or the families that are effected by their actions. They commit a crime, go to jail and depend on you to put money on their commissary, put money on the phone, write letters, visit them and they expect for you to wait for their return and for you to not see other men. Selfish thoughts lead to selfish...
Great Morning People, If you wonder why you don't never have any money or enough money, it's because we spend money (which has no value) on other items that has no value and items that aren't necessary for survival. We take our hard earned money, which is taxed before we get it and purchase and get taxed on overly priced items that we do not need; expensive clothes and shoes, cars, boats, homes, jewelry etc. We use our hard earned money to impress our friends and loved ones. We live like we're rich and the rich live like they are poor. We use our hard earned money to buy our luxuries and the riches have their businesses purchase their luxuries. If we go to cheaper manufacturers and sellers, we can save tons of money on the items we purchase.  We work the hardest but are the 90% that don't have the wealth, they work the smartest and the easiest, that's why they are the 10% that has the wealth. We're quick to claim ownership of the items we purchase and that...
Preparing my youth to become Stong Educated Individuals and to be a Leader of the world. Strength in Mind, Body and Soul. I've managed to do well so I've sent the elevator back down.... Welcome Our New Future Leader Jaheir D. Davis.
NEW PICK UP, NEW READ!!!! "Only by much searching and mining are gold and diamonds obtained, and man can find everything truth connected with his being, if he will dig deep into the mind of his soul.  That he is the maker of his character, the molder of his life, and the builder of his destiny, he may unerringly prove, if we will watch, control, and alter his thoughts, tracing their effects upon himself, upon others and upon his life." - James Allen #AsAManThinketh #JamesAllen
Brothers and sisters, when we fight for justice, we cannot act with violence. We have to act with unity and organization. We all have to have self control and be self disciplined. Fight with one voice, one sound and one movement. Violence is not the answer. However,  I do understand why you are angry. But they want us this way so they can treat us like wild animals; shoot us down and throw us in cages. - Davis, Jameel
I have inspired and made an impact on many and I will continue to inspire many. Ever since I've started being a leader, people from all over have been in contact with me to help make a difference in the lives of others. I'll extend my arm as far as it can reach to help others accomplish something big. What you have seen, is only the beginning... IT'S NOT A MOMENT, IT'S A MOVEMENT, LEAVE A LEGACY.  In the words of my brother @216kearley
It's unrighteous to begin your day and to scroll down your time line without acknowledging my presence. Good Morning Beautiful People.
A man whose mind is filled with fear not only destroys his own chances of intelligent action, but he transmits these destructive vibrations to the minds of all who come in contact with him, and destroys, also their chances.
Kill the habit of worry, in all it's forms, by reaching a general,  blanket decision that nothing which life has to offer is worth the price of worry. With this decision will come poise, peace of mind, and calmness of thought which will bring happiness.  - Napoleon Hill
I was nominated by our creator to become a successful, educated adult, to be a productive citizen in America, to develop self-control, to not be jealous, to not have hatred, to not be selfish and to not kill unrighteously. I challenge you to become successful educated adults who will stand up for one another. On Your Mark...Get Set...Goooo 🚦 #SuccessChallenge | #SelfDevelopmentChallenge | #OurLivesMatter | #CleRenMov #StandForSomething or #FallForAnything |
Dear People of Color, Before accepting any challenge to support another medical condition or any other challenge, I Challenge You to Become Productive Citizens in America First. I Challenge You to Develop Self-Control, to Not be Jealous, to Not Have Hatred, to Not be Selfish and to Not Kill One Another. I Challenge You to Become Successful Educated Adults Who Will Stand Up For One Another. - Davis, Jameel
#CleRenMov #OurLivesMatter | #MarchOnMedia Come out to the #OurLivesMatterMarch. The March will be held this Thursday September 11, 2014 at 4:45pm @ 2100 Lakeside Ave. Cleveland, Ohio | PLEASE WEAR RED SHIRTS | THE RED SHIRTS SIGNIFIES THE BLOOD THAT HAS BEEN SPILT |  We will be donating toiletries to Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Mens Shelter prior to the march| #CleRenMov #137shotsCLE | CALLING ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS #CentralState #ClevelandState #BowlingGreen #NAACP #CaseWesternReserve #TriC #Alphas #Ques #UnivofAkron #ToledoU #OhioState #OhioU #Deltas #Akas #Sigmas #SGRho #Kappas #Zetas #Iotas #KentStateUniversity #KSUNAACP1909  #BaldwinWallaceUniversity | @fox8newscleveland @wews5 @clevelandpd @19actionnews @wkyc3
When you begin to Think and Grow Rich, you will observe that riches begin with a state of mind, with definiteness of purpose, with little or no hard work. Success comes to those who become Success Conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become Failure Conscious. #NapoleonHill #CleRenMov #OurLivesMatter
How Can You Claim A Territory And Not Lead It? You rep your neighborhood and city, but encourage others to follow your foosteps in the destruction of that neighborhood and city. Create Leaders, not followers. Leaders that coaches, depends on good will, generates enthusiasm, fixes the breakdown, shows how it's done, develops people and gives credit.
Hey, Our Lives Matter! Come out to the  #OurLivesMatterMarch held on September 11, 2014 from 5pm-8pm. The march will begin at News Channel 3 located @ 1333 Lakeside Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44114 and will end @ News Channel 5 located at 3001 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115 #CleRenMov #137shotsCLE
THEN: The Black Power Movement marched in front of East Cleveland City Hall for the shooting death of #MoseWendellMitchell. | NOW: The Cleveland Renaissance Movement marched in front of the East Cleveland City Hall for the shooting death of #TimothyRussell and #MalissaWilliams | #HistoryRepeats | #ThisisHistory #CleRenMov