Great Morning People,

If you wonder why you don't never have any money or enough money, it's because we spend money (which has no value) on other items that has no value and items that aren't necessary for survival. We take our hard earned money, which is taxed before we get it and purchase and get taxed on overly priced items that we do not need; expensive clothes and shoes, cars, boats, homes, jewelry etc. We use our hard earned money to impress our friends and loved ones. We live like we're rich and the rich live like they are poor. We use our hard earned money to buy our luxuries and the riches have their businesses purchase their luxuries. If we go to cheaper manufacturers and sellers, we can save tons of money on the items we purchase. 
We work the hardest but are the 90% that don't have the wealth, they work the smartest and the easiest, that's why they are the 10% that has the wealth. We're quick to claim ownership of the items we purchase and that's why those items are quickly taken away from us. The wealthy put their items in the name of others (trust funds) or build corporations so their wealth can stay protected.

Whatever you purchase, you will be making someone else richer, why not create a business where people can make you rich? If you aren't lucky to create a wealthy business, stop making someone else richer, purchasing their items that you don't need. Stop buying alcohol, cigarettes, jewelry, expensive clothing and shoes, boats, homes, gadgets etc. Stop going out to restaurants, bars and night clubs. Invest your money wisely and you will be able to acquire what you want in life. 
- Davis, Jameel


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