Too often, we limit our image, education and success to social standards; long straight hair, straight white teeth, slim in size, designer clothes/shoes, having a Bachelor’s degree from a college/university, having a lot of money, nice cars, a big house, jewelry etc. I believe in order to have Beauty and Brains, one must be able to define, identify and accept him/her, their education and success without using social standards. I define having Beauty and Brains by being rich in mind, body and in spirit. Being rich in mind, is being able to identify yourself without using your name and social security number, being able to define your purpose, being self-disciplined, responsible and having good decision making skills. Having neither identity, nor a purpose and being indecisive is helpless. In order to find ourselves, we must first search deep within ourselves to find our own purpose, passion and desires. Once we find our own purpose, passion and desires, we must then create a plan...