In A World...

In a World where Successful Black Sisters Envy Young Black Sisters who are Striving to Walk in their Shoes. In a World where Black Brothers are Confused as to what has Value and what doesn't. In a World where our Children are Suffering due to the Lack of Education from our Parents. We have Kids Birthing Children. In a World where Religious Leaders are still taking your money on Sunday's and our Neighborhoods are still Poor, our Great-Aunts are still Poor. In a World where schools refuse to hire Real Educators, "Black Men." In a World where my people are Trapped in the Rat Race; Living above their means not knowing that Every Dollar Spent is used to make the Rich Richer and the Poor Poorer. Sisters Purchasing Designer Clothes, Hair and Makeup. Brothers Buying Jordan's and Polo, still stuck in the same Neighborhood they grew up in. In a World where we don't "Think Outside the Box." In a World where Sisters Fall in the Trap of Degrading Black Men; Making them Mentally Weak so the Dominant Society can do what they want with him. In a World where Brothers are afraid to Stand Up and Fight for our Women and Children; leaving them for bait. Did you know that they used African Babies as Alligator Bait to catch the Alligators to make the Gators you are wearing? In a World where my people are lost. In a World where I'm trying to get us back home. 

Jameel Davis 


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