A Woman, 1.) That possess a strong core and who knows her worth. 2.) Who don't and won't allow outside influences to define her. 3.) Who is very intelligent and spiritual and who has a foundation of her own. 4.) Who speaks life into me and encourages me to reach higher and to push harder. 5.) Who's dedicated to building without complaining. 6.) Who's in it for me and for we. 7.) Who want to move mountains and experience the joy of life. 🌳🍎🍏🌏🌌🙋🏾 - Jameel Davis #SelfWorth #StrongCore #Intelligent #Spiritual #Encouraging #Dedicated #Builder #BeautifulInside #Core #Uplifting #Inspiring #KnowThySelf #Queen #Standards #Hero #Dreams #Love #Career #Passion #Purpose #Gratitude #Thanks #Intend #Visualize #LOA #LawofAttraction