
Showing posts from June, 2016

All Sisters Are Beautifully Equal

Sisters, you all are "Beautiful" 😍 inside & out, so don't allow anyone to tell you differently. I love each and everyone of you equally.  Beauty is not just what you see, it's what you feel. I feel the greatness within you when I'm in your presence. Use your natural worth and gifts to change the world in which we live.  Sisters, you are the most important beings on this planet and it's important that everyone you associate with, acknowledge your presence as the life of the Earth and the Queen of our destiny. Without you, there's no life. πŸ‘ΈπŸΎπŸ‘ΈπŸ»πŸ‘ΈπŸ½πŸ‘ΈπŸΏ πŸŒΏπŸŒ¬πŸƒπŸŒ Jameel Davis


Why Should Anyone Accept You For Who and What You Are, If You Don't Know Who and What You Are To Begin With? πŸ€”  You Need Yourself More Than You Need Anyone Else! So Find It before finding someone worth you being with, because when that person Find Out That You Are A Lost Soul, They Will Be M.I.A. Too.   P.S. - Found People Don't Trust, Nor Want Someone With An Alien Identity!  I'll just leave that right there! - Jameel Davis

My Soul Will Not Be Sold

I CAN'T BE PURCHASED... I'll commit suicide before I sell my soul.  Most would say, "you can't get into heaven if you commit suicide, or suicide is a sin".  I'll respond by saying, "did the creator tell you that directly? because you sin everyday and ask forgiveness. You don't think he would forgive me for protecting myself from those who would try to take my body from me anyway?"  It's in divine plan that my spirit will last forever because I don't corrupt and harm the minds of the less fortunate.  You can continue to live off greed, thirst and capitalism, I'll watch your spirit spiral down the drain and disappear into nothing.  Jameel Davis
TUNE IN πŸ’»πŸ“±πŸ“‘ TOMORROW at 5:30pm for the #FreeThinkers87 Reality Radio Show, I'll be a guest on the show.   #Download the #Mixlr app in the App Store and follow #PavementSlaveRadio "This Show Is Epic" #FreeThinkers   πŸ—£πŸ”₯πŸŽ™πŸ’¨πŸ“‘πŸŒ


Just because you express your interest in me due to the fact that I carry myself how a man should, doesn't mean I'm obligated to make myself available for you. I may be right for you, but you may not be right for me. Please understand that. We can still have good company without relations. Also, understand that, I may not be able to sign you because you haven't healed from your previous injuries and still is trying to jump tree to tree, and each leap, you come crashing down. Time heals and if you don't invest time in healing before jumping again, we won't ever get far.  I can't be the bandage for your wounds if you won't allow your wounds to heal. Playing on a broken ankle before it fully recover will only make it worse. Let your wounds heal before trying to run a new marathon. If not, you will only experience sprints in your relationships.  - Jameel Davis  

Happy Father's Day

It's not often that us real fathers, who are the true leaders of society, whose existence is necessary for the advancement and livelihood of our species, have a moment where the light is shined upon us honoring our existence and role as a builder, leader, educator, protector and provider to our children.  Most of the light is shined upon their mother, which leaves us in the shadow as they reap all the honors. But as for my fellow fathers, your efforts of being a better man, and an even better father don't go unnoticed. Some of our greatest masterpieces were created in the dark. Today, the light is shinning upon you and I'm taking this opportunity to thank you for continuous love, honor, effort, respect, commitment, time, and generosity that you share not just with your biological child(ren), but your grandchildren and the children of others.  Also, I would like to thank you for your help in making this world a better place, by raising your child(ren) to be well mannered, we...

Our First Championship

I'm a FREE AGENT with the potential to get us our first Championship πŸ†. I've broke records upon records: * I've overcame my fears * I've made it out of poverty dominated communities  * I've made it pass 25  * I'm alive and I'm a colored man. A success brother at that.  * I've excelled in the Euro-education, system that was designed to make me fail. I'm excelling in obtaining Afro knowledge and wisdom to help our advancement in the human race.  * I've achieved all 5 year and 10 year dreams and goals I had set forth. Still achieving more.  * I'm giving back to my community and beyond, helping others become better than yesterday. Helping them become more conscious. * I know how to love, I know how to respect and I know how to add value to all I encounter continuously and unconditionally.  * My Free-Throw percentage is over 80% * I'm shooting over 50% from the field and 3-point line * I dominate that paint, driving past defenders, laying it ...

Teach Young Parents How To Be Adults

You can’t expect a #YoungGirl to be a mother, when she hasn’t been taught how to be one.  Nor can you expect a #YoungBoy to be a father, when he hasn’t been taught how to be one.   You can’t expect a #YoungGirl to love you when her mother never taught her how to love, nor can you expect a #YoungBoy to be responsible, when his dad never taught him to be a leader.   Don’t expect a #YoungGirl to perform as a woman because she’s not and don’t expect a #YoungBoy to take on the role of a man because he is not one. Instead of expecting them to act like an adult, I encourage you to teach them and show them how to become one.   Jameel Davis 

Becoming Mrs. Davis

I say, "hey beautiful, how would you like to become a Davis?" she said, "what do it take?" I say, "just be yourself, be mindful. Learn to think for yourself if you haven't done so already, don't be influenced by outsiders, achieve your own dreams and goals, be educated, open-minded and help me change the world, one person at a time. Most importantly, serve your purpose in nurturing the nation and support man to the best of your ability.  - Jameel Davis 

Black People Can't Be Racist

People Always Trying To Call Black Folk Racist When We Speak Up and Speak Out About White Supremacist and What They Have Done and Do To Us.  We may be prejudice which we should be in result of the 470 years and counting of slavery, dehumanization, degrading, miseducation, robbing, stealing, injustice, economic-castration, inequality, and everything else white supremacist did and continue to do the people with 50 shades of color.  Black Folk Don't Have The Power To Be Racist. I Repeat Do Not Have The Power To Be Racist. The day we choose where another race can live, what they can eat, where they work, what schools they can attend, where they can spend their money, when we can rob them of their identity, native tongue, history, harvest their organs, Incarcerate them against their will, will be the day we black folk can be racist.  If we are prejudice, it's in result of white supremacist, some Caucasian folks ancestors who made us be. We were a compassionate race until they ...

Walk With Purpose

Sisters and Brothers, Stop being afraid to be yourselves in the eyes of those who are against you. Walk with purpose, dance in your own character and laugh at those who are against you.  Many people always say, "Jameel, you are bold, you give it raw and uncut. You don't bite your tongue." And I reply back, you are right, why should I not be myself? Why should I operate based off others interested when the creator created me to be me?  Fear and God do not occupy the same space and no human being regardless of race and ethnicity can install fear in my body. If you noticed, I operate in the best interest of myself and the creator regardless of who is around, listening and watching, supporting and not supporting. Only thing people can take from me is my body, not my spirit. My legacy will live forever. Soon after they take my body, what you think is going to happen to them? - Jameel Davis
Don't Live Your Life Trying To Be Accepted By Others. People will always disagree with you no matter what. Accept yourself and be proud to have ownership of what you process.  If I spent my life living to someone else's liking, I'd never be my true self. I'd never be where I am today.  God accepts you as you are because he created you. That's all the acceptance you need. Other humans don't help you breathe on your own, they didn't create your hair and skin, they don't maintain your life.  Accept You For Who You Are And Be The Best You That You Can Be.  - Jameel Davis


I dislike Black πŸ‘©πŸΎπŸ‘¨πŸΎπŸ‘΅πŸΏπŸ‘΄πŸ½ folk when they lie to their kids and say, "Santa Claus πŸŽ…πŸ» is going to bring you gifts or Santa Claus πŸŽ…πŸ» brought you these toys πŸŽπŸŽ„πŸŽfor Christmas".  You bust your Ass πŸ‘ all year long working for the white man to save up for Christmas presents for your children, to give credit to a white man who haven't done a damn thing? Ain't no obese white guy climbing down a thin chimney, and apartment buildings don't have chimneys connected to each unit.  My son will never sit on a white man's lap, dressed in a costume and be lied to. I don't lie to my son and I be damned if I freely allow another man, a fake white character at that lie directly in his face. They've been lying to us for centuries, in our face, behind our backs, in books, schools, religion and so forth and we still smile, laugh and giggle for them. You got the wrong one here, I ain't having it.  Give your self credit for working hard all year long to reward...
Some folks are only placed in your life for a season and that's a test from the creator. Don't focus on those who are only temporary, let em go. "Don't Compromise for Temporary Satisfactions"  - Jameel Davis 


Never Let The Ones Who Enslaved You Teach You About Anything, Because They Are Only Going To Teach You What They Want You To Know, Even In Religion.  They gave the early settlers a blanket and told them it would keep them warm in the winter. The blankets contained small pox and they died. Just think about what they are putting in our water, food, medicine and so forth.  As for me, I'm conscious. I'm just living without fear and worry, drinking juice and watching the creator have his way with those who have done America, her children and beyond wrong. You may be blind to see it, but it's a beautiful site to see. Warm Winter, more Tornadoes, Wild Fires, Baseball Sizes of Hail, Excessive Rain, Heroin Overdoses outside the black community, The closing of over 200 Walmart and Macy stores and so forth. It will only get worse unless they let us black folk free; give us our own land, businesses, banks, schools, food, equipment, houses, hotels, billions of dollars to get started and...

White Men and Booty

The reason why there are more white men dating black women is because they are dying off and the only way they can survive is through the womb of a black woman.  So what they are doing is killing off the black men, disrupting their minds, packing them in jail, packing them in the military, and making them feminine, so they can settle with our treasure. Booty means treasure and the term was created by white men. Black women have a nice booty. Not just the buttocks, but the treasure beneath it which preserves and creates life. So white men want the booty so they don't die off. Notice during slavery, the white slave owners snuck and had sex, raped and made babies with the black women slaves. The didn't really care for their wives. Black women slaves even nursed their babies.  The term hunky originated when white slave owners/men would drive and hunk their horns for black women to come out of their homes to have sex with them. That's how prostitution came about. White men leavi...
I'm that guy your grandmother didn't warn you about, but the guy she should have suggested for you to grab hold of and to hold onto.  - Jameel Davis 

Most Powerful Beings

Women, especially colored women are the most powerful beings on Earth and most of them don't even know it. Many carry themselves in a unworthy manner and dance to their own degradation because they aren't knowledgeable about who they really are.  Learn your worth ladies so you can serve your true purpose and achieve your true desires.  - Jameel Davis

You Aren't At Rock Bottom

Even when you think you are at Rock Bottom, you aren't even at Rock Bottom because you haven't been suppressed beneath the tectonic plates beneath the surface of the Earth. So get up and go get what you deserve. Faith override everything. If you ask and believe, than you will receive. - Jameel Davis

Will You Marry Without The Ring?

ARE YOU WILLING TO MARRY WITHOUT THE RING? or do you want the ring because you have an image to show or maintain?  ARE YOU WILLING TO MARRY WITH SOMETHING OTHER THAN A RING? like create your own item to symbolize your marriage or the love you have for that individual?  ARE YOU WILLING TO CREATE a new trend instead of following the same marketing trend that has been around for decades, that you must purchase or accept a ring to show your true love for one another? or are you afraid of what others may say? ARE YOU ALLOWING OTHERS TO CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS?  WITHOUT THE RING how do you really feel about that individual? Because it wasn't until you got the ring that we heard about or even seen that person.  LOVE IS NOT, in the diamond of the ring but in the diamond of the heart, the spirit, the core. LOVE IS NOT made of metal, diamonds or a glossy finish, but of the energy of God within you. LOVE IS NOT PURCHASED from a jeweler, but purchased from your inner God, whom is ...