Never Let The Ones Who Enslaved You Teach You About Anything, Because They Are Only Going To Teach You What They Want You To Know, Even In Religion.
They gave the early settlers a blanket and told them it would keep them warm in the winter. The blankets contained small pox and they died. Just think about what they are putting in our water, food, medicine and so forth.
As for me, I'm conscious. I'm just living without fear and worry, drinking juice and watching the creator have his way with those who have done America, her children and beyond wrong. You may be blind to see it, but it's a beautiful site to see. Warm Winter, more Tornadoes, Wild Fires, Baseball Sizes of Hail, Excessive Rain, Heroin Overdoses outside the black community, The closing of over 200 Walmart and Macy stores and so forth. It will only get worse unless they let us black folk free; give us our own land, businesses, banks, schools, food, equipment, houses, hotels, billions of dollars to get started and everything else they owe us. Until then, the universal God will keep attacking and can't no human being stop it, not even the president. Sisters and brothers, pull or your lawn chairs and watch the show. No need to fear his work, he's working for us. Just be patient and let him work wonders.
- Jameel Davis
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