Networking is Key To Success In The 21st Century

Networking is essential in the 21st Century. I believe the most important part about college, if you choose to attend, is the opportunity to network. 

Although I didn't use my college education to learn academically or to secure a career, I did use it to connect with many people in different walks of life who are able to aide in my current avenues in life and whom I'm able to assist with theirs. I have connections with professionals in many industries; lawyers, doctors, nurses, judges, professors, marketing gurus, accountants, writers, authors, dancers, singers, entrepreneurs and in many other fields. 

Use your current school, job, sports, activities, gift, talents, and so forth to connect with others. You may can utilize them in the future or they may utilize you. 

#ElevateYourWaves 📈

Jameel Davis


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