Results From My Re-Evaluation period:  I spent almost one year and a half, redefining who I am and achieving goals most people dream but procrastinate about.   During my evaluation period, I dug deep within myself to figure out what it is I needed and wanted for myself. I made it my duty to secure everything I needed and desired.  I've used that period to develop more self happiness, engage in all activities I enjoy. I took a lot of risks and focused mainly on myself, because my happiness reflects on everyone around me and happiness is an internal state that only I can create.  It was the other-side of fear (taking risks) that allowed my dreams to unfold and by removing dirty baggage I had claimed at baggage claim, I was able to develop into the man I am today.  My Re-Evaluation period have helped me become more self-disciplined, self-confident, and has helped me determine self-worth, my passions and my divine purpose.  After becoming more self-disciplined, after gaining more self-confidence, boosting my self-esteem, determining my divine purpose and self-worth, I've began evaluating myself for dating and will eventually start my dating campaign.  - Jameel Davis  [ Chapter 6: "You've Been Dating Wrong, So Date Right" - in new book Cultivating Minds To Own Thyself, I explain how after a breakup you should enter a Re-Evaluation period for up to a year. Those are my results from the Re-Evaluation period and it is not included in the book] #CultivatingMinds 💡 #ElevatedWaves 📈 #ClickTheLinkInMyBio ⛓ Cultivating Minds To Own Thyself How Success Became My Focus Eskaape


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