
Showing posts from December, 2012


Some of these young uneducated parents are setting their children up for failure; What will you do when your child reach grade school and ask you to help them with their homework or a school project? are they going to think their mommy and daddy is smart? or are they going to tell their teachers "my mommy and daddy don't know this stuff either"? How can you be comfortable with not learning? But comfortable spending your nights in these clubs and wasting time in lines to buy tennis shoes? Wake Up People!!! As long as they got name brand clothes and shoes is all that matters right? Same people that complain about gas prices and not having a job. A job application isn't enough to apply for a job; do you have basic interviewing skills, do you even know what a cover letter is? Do you know how to write a bomb resume? Do you have basic communication skills and writing skills? Do you have good references? (People that can describe your work ethics to employers) will you b...
Here's Some Food For Thought: When you're dating, you are not committed nor are you in a relationship. You are allowed to date as many people as you want (no sex). It's good to have options until you pick your one and only. If a person can't accept the fact that you are only dating and you're trying to find your mate, then they aren't worth dating. It's like a job interview: Why Should I Consider You Over The Next Person? How can you help contribute to my goals? What are your goals in life or for us? What are your strengths and weaknesses? etc. In conclusion, keep your eyes open and your ears open wider; Take Notes. Look out for actions and listen out for false information and fairy-tails. "Observe and Ask Questions". Don't let anyone play you like a fool. One Thing Is For Sure, I Can't Be Fooled, I'm Too Knowledgeable (I know more than what you think I know)!! Have A Great Day!
If Only I Had Money/Help To Do It!
My Deaf Friend Puddin' Grider Asked Me To Write About "Differences between the hearing world And deaf world" She noticed that jobs rather hire hearings than deaf. As for her, She never worked before & tried. That question has been on her mind forever and she stated " like what's the difference". I replied, I'm glad you told me that, I'm going to think about that and write about it. However in your situation that's called discrimination. If you felt like the jobs you applied for discriminated against you, they can be sued. In my opinion, there's no difference in work ethics between the hearing community and the deaf. I believe everyone deserves a chance. I've witness deaf people fly airplanes and play sports and I was excited to do my research and find out how they did it. Deaf people are human as well and just because they can't hear doesn't mean that can't perform normal job functions. Puddin' Grider my good fri...
One of My Friends Just Asked Me A Great Question Of Course A Man Like Myself Always Have A Great Response: "in order to make a relationship work, should both spouses be "trained" to the others liking, or if there has to be "training" in the first place, should there just be no relationship" There are 4 levels of a relationship: Friendship, Dating, Relationship, and Commitment. I wouldn't call knowing your partners likes training. However, the likes and dislikes should be established in level 1, "Friendship". That's the stage where you are getting to know one another without giving up girlfriend and boyfriend privileges. You are learning what each like and dislike, what makes them mad and what makes them angry, their goals in life etc. You should start dating that person once the two of you are comfortable with one another and what each other has going for themselves. During the dating stages, that's when you explore each others adv...
Many people aren't knowledgeable when It come to Love and Relationships. Many don't care when you address them with your feelings and problems. They are quick to say "Follow Your Heart". Your heart doesn't work without getting the signal from your brain. Someone who really cares wouldn't just say "Follow Your Heart" but instead try and help you put every piece back together. - Jameel
There's nothing better than having loving and caring people in your corner. Get rid of those people that attempts and manages to bring you down. Get rid of those ungrateful, begging, never contributing, nose turnt up, unhappy people. Stay away from violent people, let them have their own environment. #MotivationalMonday #GetRidMonday #WrittenByMe #PhotoByMe #Iphonography #PositiveInfluence #WiseMan #Givingback
No Matter How Many Times People Try To Bring You Down, Stand Strong, Ignore Them And Keep Moving On Up. If A Tree Can Reach It's Highest Peek After Being Climbed On, You Can Too. - Jameel #MotivationalMonday #Wiseman #Education #StrongMinded #PhotographByMe #Future