Some of these young uneducated parents are setting their children up for failure; What will you do when your child reach grade school and ask you to help them with their homework or a school project? are they going to think their mommy and daddy is smart? or are they going to tell their teachers "my mommy and daddy don't know this stuff either"?

How can you be comfortable with not learning? But comfortable spending your nights in these clubs and wasting time in lines to buy tennis shoes? Wake Up People!!! As long as they got name brand clothes and shoes is all that matters right?

Same people that complain about gas prices and not having a job. A job application isn't enough to apply for a job; do you have basic interviewing skills, do you even know what a cover letter is? Do you know how to write a bomb resume? Do you have basic communication skills and writing skills? Do you have good references? (People that can describe your work ethics to employers) will you be able to teach your children this stuff?

Some of these parents can't even teach their kids about priorities. How to manage and balance money to cover housing expenses, Food and personal things etc. But as long as you got that Section 8 / CMHA you're set for life right?

Take Advantage Of The Opportunity To Learn All You Can In Order To Succeed and Survive In Life. Learn To Teach Your Kids So They Can Teach Their Kids!


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