There's nothing wrong with spending your own money, but how many of you have planned for the long run? Long term care, Healthcare, Children's Education, Retirement, Leaving years of money back for your family once you have left earth, etc. Drop these Liabilities and Purchase Assets! Get your financial education and get on the road to financial freedom. Jordans and Lebrons are liabilities if your asset column isn't purchasing them for you. Jordan's and LeBron's are assets to Jordan and Lebron. When you purchase them, you make them richer. What is your business? What can you create so people could pay you for purchasing your product or services?
First Generation College Graduates and The Entry Level Job Market
Many of us have applied to many job positions using our High School Diploma and GED. We have found out that the job market was very difficult to get in with just a High School Diploma and GED. Many employers have skipped over our resumes and letters of interest after seeing that our highest level of education is High School and having no job related experiences. So we ask our parents, teachers, employers and various other individuals, what we have to do in order to secure the interested positions in the future? They tell us to further our education, “Go to college and get a degree”. We then say, “we can’t afford college, we don’t have any money”. Then they say, “Financial Aid, you can take out loans to cover your cost and you can pay them back after you graduate college.” Now we believe a college degree is the way to securing a job position and a way to get out of poverty. “If I graduate from college, I can get the job I want and live comfortably… “If I gradua...
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