What's stopping you from revealing your true self to those that matter? What's hiding under those layers of skin, under that foundation? 

Behind every layer of foundation on a person's body, their skin, typically their face, there's a different tone of color. Which means, every time you wipe off foundation or peel off a piece of skin, you reveal a different part of you. A part that you may not want the world to see. Peal off your shirt and you are left with your bare chest. Beneath your chest, you have something that's called your core, which holds your true being. 

Tap into your core and reveal your true self, not only to the world around you, but to yourself. 

If you haven't found you, it will be very difficult for you to learn about anyone else and be receptive of all the benefits they have to offer. A person may not reveal certain parts of them to you or give you their all because you are covered in layers of foundation, with artificial eyelashes, mascara/makeup, eyeliner, lip stick, false hair, tattoos, gold teeth, etc. and are hiding under sunglasses and hats, which doesn't reveal the true you. We expect others to reveal their true colors but hold on tight to ours, living a lie that's covered with glitter. 

If you find yourself, become true to yourself and believe in yourself, you wouldn't have to live your life playing hide and seek, or trying hard to be accepted. People aren't accepted by the nature of their exterior skin, but by the solid core in which they have inside. Once you accept who you truly are, that's all the acceptance you need. When those of interest see that strength and self-acceptance, they may be willing to reveal more of them to you. 

- Jameel Davis 


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