I feed folks my positive energy, knowledge and wisdom, and by the time I'm finish feeding, they feel as they had a full course breakfast. I am Energy, I Am Breakfast. I Spiritually Feed. I Am The Most Important Meal Of The Day. - Jameel Davis
Showing posts from February, 2016
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My NEW book titled, "Cultivating Minds To Own Thyself" was birthed so that individuals can take full control of their life. It is a book that will definitely encourage its readers to define, identify, and accept thyself without using society's standards and it will encourage them to modify their thoughts so they can become their best self and to make a difference in the lives of others. Readers will learn about the miseducation, the true meaning of education, financial literacy, the affect that bad parenting have on children, the effects of good parenting, relationships, effective dating, getting rid of negative tendencies from the subconscious mind, treating others fairly and putting all their situations in the hands of the creator. All which are important for taking ownership of your life and becoming the successful individual you are destined to become. #JameelDavis #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #Writer #Author #Poet #ChangeAgent #Ment...
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Dear Queen, I just want to explore your intellect; awaken your unconsciousness, feed your subconscious mind with the wisdom deep inside me so that you can have available the clarity of life. I want to help you define your worth, to show you that you are worth more than just a sex symbol. While exploring your well-being, you will understand it's no longer about me, it's not about you, it's about we, achieving all that we can be, while adding value to those we encounter daily and continuously. Developing Oneness. I'm not influenced by societies thoughts, decisions and actions. However, I'm influenced by the Divine Power I have inside, my inner God. I don't follow the norm, it's impossible for me to lead that way. With your time, attention, love, and affection, we'd be able to move mountains and experience the joys of life. - Written By Jameel Davis (inspired by Ratanjit S. Sondhe)
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All I require is your integrity: if you can't keep your word, get in contact with me and let me know there have been a change of plans. I'd love you even more if you did that. But if you don't, my interest in you will be lost. - Jameel Davis #JameelDavis #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #Writer #Author #Poet #ChangeAgent #Mentor #Father #RoleModel #Talented #Gifted #Blessed #Grateful
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Someone once told me that, "Some People Can Only Help Themselves." And I replied, "People Can't Help Themselves If They Aren't Taught How To. "People Need Help Helping Themselves Is The Right Way To Put It" - Jameel Davis #JameelDavis #YourLifeMatter #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #Writer #Author #Poet #ChangeAgent #Mentor #Father #RoleModel #Talented #Gifted #Blessed #Grateful
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A Leader • A Builder • An Educator • A Protector • A Provider and Servicer to my family and community. My Adventurous Brother #JasonDanielsJr and My Son #JaheirDavis; Two of my favorite people. #Talented #Gifted #Independent #Conscious #Educated #Grateful #Confident #Humorous #Leaders #Successful #healthy #wealthy #Businessmen #wise #Adventurous #TheirLifeMatter #RoleModels #Active #Kind #Fun #Loving #Compassionate #Respectful #Handsome
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Single mothers, your son is not your “little man”, your “king” or your “papa”. He’s your son. He’s not “all you need.” & stop calling a little boy “sexy”. You are not in a relationship with your son. #EbrahimAseem The reason boys grow up to live off women, lack ambition, flake on school & live rent free off girlfriends is, because y’all “I don’t need a man” mothers make your sons overly dependent of you. You do need a man, not for yourself, but for your son to teach him how to be one. #EbrahimAseem
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If more "Black Women" would submit to her man and play the role of his "Woman", their wouldn't be so many single or divorce "Women". But instead we have too many "Women" that are too busy trying to be man and "Woman". Man should be the King of his castle but too many "Queen"s are trying to be Kings; trying to lay down the rules, their way or no way, trying to be the head. Jameel Davis But I can't fully blame our "Women", I blame our oppressors and the television shows and commercials for brainwashing the minds of our women and young ladies, to collaborate with them in the belittlement and destruction of our men. Television shows and images that are designed to make man inferior. Our oppressors who've already created a system to make blacks feel inferior especially black men, have paid our "Women" to engage in the destruction as well. #JameelDavis Turn the poison television shows off and music ...
"A Good Nut He Released"
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Many individuals blame a parent or both for their lack and the wrong decisions they make in life. You are 100% responsible for the decisions you make in life and the route you take once you become of age. Part of being an adult is accepting responsibilities for your own actions. If you haven't been taught the tools needed to be successful in life, it's up to you to seek those resources and educate yourself. No one is responsible for you, except you. I knew my donor wasn't an educator, leader, provider, protector, servicer, a man, nor a father, so I made it my duty to become all the things he wasn't and to achieve all that I desired. [ NO EXCUSES, YOU ARE THE BLAME ] - Jameel Davis #JameelDavis #JohnDChavers #YourLifeMatter #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #Writer #Author #Poet #ChangeAgent #Mentor #Father #RoleModel #Talented #Gifted #Blessed #Grateful
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Not sure how true it is, but I was told that the Black Lives Matter movement is funded by rich, white fake, Jews, the "Illuminati" to bring about the new world order. I do know that, Mainstream media is controlled by these people. Kendrick Lamar did a tribute to the Black Lives Matter Movement, which is funded by the illuminati for the purpose of creating a race war. It was stated that, what they are trying to do is instigate diversion within America. "Blacks vs Whites", to bring about chaos for the new world order. It was said that Kendrick sold his soul to the entertainment industry and to Satan. I was also told that, Billionaire George Soros Funneled $33 Million dollars to groups leading demonstrations to create diversion. The number 33 is their secret #. Illuminati numerology. $33 Million dollars to create chaos. The riots, the fights, the division. He would not have given $33 million dollars if his intentions weren't to create a race war, blacks vs whites...
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Do Not Tell Me What I Should Be Doing, If You Aren't Doing What You Are Telling Me To Do. Do Not Tell People That's Fighting For Change, What They Should Be Fighting To Change, If You Aren't Helping To Change The Things You Have Suggested For Them To Change. Period! - P.S. Why should anyone fight for your needs and rights if you aren't willing to help those who are already fighting? Those who aren't helping are the ones who are part of the problem. - Jameel Davis
An African-American Male, have a better chance of being charged with a crime, than graduating from college.
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An African-American Male, have a better chance of being charged with a crime, than graduating from college. The United States have the largest prison population in the world. Of those incarcerated, 90% of them have taken Plea Bargains. My advice is to not take a plea, stand up and fight. Do Not cop-out to something you didn't do just so you can return to society sooner. With that plea of guilt for something you didn't do, your return to the real world will be more difficult than it was before you got in the system. Society will be against you and it will be even harder to survive; jobs won't hire you, government housing won't house you, educational institutions won't enroll you, welfare won't provide you with benefits etc., forcing you to commit a new crime (for economic purposes) so they can get you back in the jails and prisons. They use the tactic, "If you take it to trial, we're going to give you the max", to scare you into taking a plea, so...
"Don't put your child/children in danger for Lust. Lust isn't more important than the safety of your children."
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Check your persons of interest background history; criminal clearance and child abuse. You don't want to risk dating people for 6 months plus and find out they have an extensive criminal background, along with child related charges. You don't want your child alone with or sitting on the lap of sexual predators or those who harm children. Your persons of interest should be a great leader and role model for you as well as your children. Fellas, your dates should be, "Nurturing the nation and supporting man to the best of their ability." Ladies, your dates should be, "Builders, Leaders, Educators, Protectors, Providers, and a Servicer to his family as well as his community. - Jameel Davis #JameelDavis #YourLifeMatter #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #Writer #Author #Poet #ChangeAgent #Mentor #Father #RoleModel #Talented #Gifted #Blessed #Grateful
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"Wake Up" Wake Up...Wake Up; They're enjoying the fruits of our labor and we are still starving, our schools look like shit, they robbed us of our history and only teach us about George Washington Carver. We come from Kings and Queens, that's why we enjoy flashy things, that don't mean spend all your money on clothes, Jordan's and flashy rings. Willie Lynch, yeah he turned us against one another; yo daddy stupid, yo mama fat, fuck yo ugly sister and yo brother. Here we are shooting each other dead, they then rob us of our organs, sell them for millions to those lying on their death bed. They arrange our death, so they can live forever, they plan shit like a terrible car accident that quickly send us to heaven. Young sisters being picked up on their way home from school, young brothers hit in a drive-by near the neighborhood pool. Racist white cops killing unarmed black teens, crime scene investigators re-constructing crime scenes. CNN, Fox 8 and even ...
Could It Be?
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She is amazing, I wonder what's next? I'm not thinking about sex, that's far from next. That's last on my list, her sexy lips is what I wanna kiss. I wanna stroll with her through the park and flood her mind with some romantic thoughts. Take her smile and make it brighter, get the load off her back to make her trip lighter. Have her heart singing songs with no words, take her love to the top like the birds. Images of me floating in her mind, sittin on the sofa enjoying a glass of wine. Turn lust into love, hug tight like a glove. Keep her close but not to near, keep her away but not to far. Educate her like a teacher, listen to her like a preacher, solve her problems like a puzzle, keep her secrets quiet like a dog with a muzzle. Treat her like my best-friend, protect her from the enemies, carry her like a queen, pocket her like a penny. Be the man of her dreams, love her for her and not just what's in those jeans. Hold her every night, wake up to her every...
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๐ฎ๐(๐)๐๐ฎ There's No Coincidence that the Lighter Skinned Muslims have wealth while the Darker Skinned Muslims Don't. Look who run your gas stations, oil, convenient stores, lottery, hair stores etc... There's No Coincidence that Black Muslims go out of their way to dress like Muslims in the Middle East to be Authentic in that religion. The Muslims in the Middle East don't go out of their way to dress like Black Muslims here in America. #WakeUp ๐ฃ๐ด Ask about your teacher or leader about the "Arabic" Slave Trade | There's a little knowledge about the Trans-Atlantic-Slave Trade | But They Don't Discuss The "Arabic Slave" Trade At All!!! "Never Allow The Ones Who Enslave You, Teach You About Anything, Because They Will Only Teach You What They Want You To Know and Will Only Allow You To Have What They Want You To Have, Such As Money and Not Power". - Jameel Davis #IAmBlackHistory #WakeUpBlackAmerica #HerbrewsToNegroes #HiddenCo...
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Dear Son, Challenge the minds of those who take on the role of education. Your history starts before Slavery, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, The Civil War, Tulsa, Oklahoma etc. Let's Give Them Something They Didn't Know Themselves. Love Dad! - Jameel Future American History Teachers, Be Prepared! #IamBlackHistory #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #JaheirDavis #JahMeel #JameelDavis #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus
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๐ฎ ๐ (๐) ๐ ๐ฎ I'm not talking about inventions this month, we "The People of The Book" have more history than the inventions your oppressors allow you to know. More history than slavery, and MLK... #WakeUp #IamBlackHistory #JameelDavis #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #WakeUpBlackAmerica #HebrewsToNegroes #HiddenColors
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People Are "All-In" With Illusions, But "All-Out" with Truth. Illusions are created to control the weak minded, they are a form of population control. Religion is an Illusion, Television is an illusion, Movies are an Illusion, and Radio is an Illusion, that in fact is the truth. People will like an illusion faster than the truth. - Jameel Davis