An African-American Male, have a better chance of being charged with a crime, than graduating from college.

An African-American Male, have a better chance of being charged with a crime, than graduating from college. 

The United States have the largest prison population in the world. Of those incarcerated, 90% of them have taken Plea Bargains. 

My advice is to not take a plea, stand up and fight. Do Not cop-out to something you didn't do just so you can return to society sooner. With that plea of guilt for something you didn't do, your return to the real world will be more difficult than it was before you got in the system. Society will be against you and it will be even harder to survive; jobs won't hire you, government housing won't house you, educational institutions won't enroll you, welfare won't provide you with benefits etc., forcing you to commit a new crime (for economic purposes) so they can get you back in the jails and prisons. 

They use the tactic, "If you take it to trial, we're going to give you the max", to scare you into taking a plea, so they don't have to prepare for trial. For them, trial is too costly and time consuming. They rather get you to cop-out quickly, so they can move quickly to the next case. Make them work for their money, take them to trial. Better yet, if they threat you with that, have your counsel, the ACLU or someone you know, look for a pattern of racist convictions. Once they find a pattern, you file a civil suit for racist intent. How do you prove racial intent, find someone close to them that will testify against them. When you do, videotape it and threaten to show it in court. I'm sure they will be willing to drop the charges and settle. 

"Never Take A Plea, especially if the Plea doesn't fit the crime. Don't sign a blank check; don't sign your life away. Stand Up for Yourself." 

- Jameel Davis 

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