If more "Black Women" would submit to her man and play the role of his "Woman", their wouldn't be so many single or divorce "Women". But instead we have too many "Women" that are too busy trying to be man and "Woman". Man should be the King of his castle but too many "Queen"s are trying to be Kings; trying to lay down the rules, their way or no way, trying to   be the head. Jameel Davis

But I can't fully blame our "Women", I blame our oppressors and the television shows and commercials for brainwashing the minds of our women and young ladies, to collaborate with them in the belittlement and destruction of our men. Television shows and images that are designed to make man inferior. Our oppressors who've already created a system to make blacks feel inferior especially black men, have paid our "Women" to engage in the destruction as well. #JameelDavis

Turn the poison television shows off and music and submit to your lover. Television shows and commercials that play into the degradation of our people. This is for man and "Woman". Do not play into the destruction of our culture. Failure not to do so, results in destruction of a civilization. #JameelDavis

The reason why there are tons of young and older "Black Women" pushing strollers with no father figure around for their children, isn't a result of our men neglecting them, it's in result of the collaboration of our "Women" and the oppressors. The system don't speak life into our men and since the system don't, our "Women" have been encourage to engaged in the degradation as well. #JameelDavis

A "Woman" shouldn't be so dominate. It's okay to be independent, but I don't want to battle you for control. It's our nature to be in control and to lead. I am a man and you won't find many that's willing to do the things I do and treat you the way you should be treated. Have your own but don't fight me for the role of a man when you have one that's here for you. #JameelDavis

Men should stop making excuses and step up and take their role as man: Lead, Educate, Protect, Provide, and Serve their family as well as their community. #JameelDavis

You can no longer blame your father's neglect for the neglect, pain and suffering you are causing your family and your community. #JameelDavis

You can not blame the businesses out here for not giving you a job for reasons of dealing drugs, robbing and burglarizing homes. Create your own business just as they have done and provide for yours. #JameelDavis

You can't blame your last girlfriend or wife for your reasons of not loving again. You can't blame your mother for not showing you affection. Stand up and educate yourself and be all that you can be. #JameelDavis

"Women", speak life into them. Treat them as the man they have the potential to be, so they can develop into their purpose. They need your support because right now they feel you are against just as the system is. 

- Jameel Davis

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