Chi-Raq Review

CHI-RAQ is the most powerful movie I've ever seen. It, as well as Spike Lee and every actor in it deserves every award imaginable. 

I encourage everyone who take on the role of leadership and education in the black community, to show it in your home, school, church, youth center etc. to inspire our people to create peace and love on one another. 

If I had to take on a role in the media, I'll take part in a movie like CHI-RAQ to "Wake Up" my people. So many very important messages were in this Spike Lee masterpiece and everyone should make it their duty to watch it. It shows what can happen if we come together as one: one sound, one voice, and one movement. 

- Jameel Davis 

#NoPeaceNoPiece #Peace #MothersUnite #TheTruthShallSetYouFree #ChiRaq #SpikeLee #ThisIsAnEmergency #PutDownTheGuns #40AcresAndAMule #YADIG #ShoNuff 


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