Most successful people already have either a firm, organization, group, club, team etc., I just have myself and my faith. I invest in my own avenues because no one is going to do it for me and I don't limit myself to one skill, gift, talent, job or goal. I'm limitless, always evolving. Many people ask, what company are you part of or who does your work, and I simply reply, "I'm not part of a company and I do my own work." Not because I choose to do so, but because I haven't gotten to the point where I can create my own team and organization. But with continued faith, work, dedication and patience, my team will evolve. - Jameel Davis
Showing posts from April, 2016
REVEAL TO HEAL: This Is The Creator's World
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A young woman reached out to me in regards to revealing her emotions and feelings to man and others, how she feel that her feelings aren't appreciated and feeling that a woman shouldn't exist in a man's world. Due to confidentiality, I won't reveal what she said exactly, but I'll reveal my response because it may be of assistance to those of you who may be experiencing what's she's feeling or something similar. My response: One should always reveal their true feelings and emotions. It's when you reveal the 90% of who you are that you experience true respect, love, intimacy and compassion. Those who keep their true being suppressed beneath the surface are the ones who don't experience respect, love, intimacy and compassion. (How would someone ever know how you feel if you do not reveal? We can't see right through you.) You have to understand that , those who you may be deeply attached to may not be the ones for you. You can't force someone ...
Man Qualities
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Queens, are you looking for a "Successful Man" to become your "Better-Half" or to become a "Father Figure" to your children? or both? If so, use the Man Qualities list below to help you distinguish between a "Male" and a "Man" and to evaluate your persons of interest. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed MAN QUALITIES * Builder - His job is to construct and repair objects, old wounds, spirits, the faith and livelihood of his family, as well as his community. * Leader - He shares his unique talents and generosity so that his family and community can be inspired. He leads with great character and by example, not by following others. * Educator - He provides instruction, knowledge and wisdom surrounding tools needed for survival, to his family as well as his community. * Protector - He acts as a shield, to prevent physical, mental and emotional harm to his family as well as his community. * Provider - He help provide and maintain the four m...
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A person who have found their self and who knows their worth uses positive affirmations often to assert who they want to become further and how they wish to experience life. A person on the outside looking in, who haven't found their self, who doesn't know their worth and who haven't gotten themselves to a point of contentment, may call the person who have found their self, "arrogant" because he or she has self confidence and speak their wants into existence. - Jameel Davis
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I believe that any Man that Forces His Woman or Women To Be Fully Covered head to toe in Public is either, Extremely Insecure or Sexually Challenged, or Both. You don't want to see the beauty of a woman, but you want to dress your eyes on a man. Ladies, screw that man made religion and be authentic in yourself. God say come as you are. The study of God isn't religion. The study of God is Science and History. I believe religion is a brainwash and its preventing you from your connection with the most high. I say this because you are suppose to uphold the laws of the most high, not the laws of the land. The laws of the land is created by man. Those who fear man, do not have faith in God. Your religion tell you to put your faith in Christ whom is a man, a man name Caesar Borgia, who was a evil killer in rome. His image is placed on images in almost every church you can think of and your pastor/spiritual leaders refer to him as Christ. Also many other religions ask you to p...
Focus On You
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You so focused on what everyone else is doing, what they got going on, what they have and don't have. So focused on bringing others down and bashing their name. You know more about them, then you know of yourself. Shouldn't you be investing that valuable time, getting you to the next level? Getting to know you? Getting you to where you want and need to be in life? Don't waste another valuable breath, attempting to bring someone down to your level of discomfort and misery. Use that valuable time and breath to get to know you better and to get you to your desired destination. - Jameel Davis
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A lot of people have a problem with Self-Confidence, so I have something to say about it: If Society; people, organizations and institutions are already against you, already doubt you, why would you vibrate on their same frequency and be against and doubt yourself? Like do really wake up everyday, look in the mirror and tell yourself you can't do? They doubt you because you doubt yourself. They see that your drive is weak for personal achievement and success. I wouldn't want you a part of my school, business, organization, club, sport etc. If you don't have the confidence in you that you can help us reach the next level. You can't have confidence in what we got going on, if you don't have confidence within yourself. #JameelDavis "Every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation. Your thoughts and words are declarations of who you think you are and how you perceive the world to be. Every time you think a negative thought or make a self deprec...
Criticism and Backlash, how do it affect you?
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How well do you handle criticism and backlash? Do it make you or break you? I love it, because you don't have to act in the best interests of others. You act in the best interests of yourself. People will always dislike what you stand for and let them dislike you. Focus on those who are for you. Those who are against you is at a level of discomfort for a reason. Keep them there. There's a like and dislike button on YouTube for a reason just like there's one on Facebook. Beyonce don't have 100% likes on all her videos and neither do I. But do she care about those dislikes, of course not, she keep on making music and videos. I love Donald Trump's aggressive attitude because, no matter the negative things people say about him, he keeps on pushing. When you focus on those who are against you, trying to live to their standard, you take away from yourself, your dreams and desires. Welcome the backlash and criticism and use it as a form of motivation to keep achi...
Express Yourself Fully
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Many folks are afraid of what people will think and say of them, so they hide their true gifts, talents and opinions. Those people are not God the creator. They don't have the power to do nothing but run their minds, mouths and fingers. Those that do fix their mouths to say something negative about your what express for yourself is already drowning in their own sorrow and misery. Since they can't rise, how you are rising. They want you to suffocate just as they are. Part of being an adult is full self expression, rather people like you or not. Become the best version of yourself and express yourself fully. It's your life, not there's. So own it! - Jameel Davis
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Some of you colored folks should be ashamed of yourselves, Y'all are quick to degrade your own kind, but praise these damn devil worshipers. The same ones that enslaved us, suppressed us for over 400 years and who are still suppressing us today through Education, Housing, Economics, Food, Employment, and many other resources. You are dancing freely in the degradation of your own people, like you are getting a bonus or in life. They are laughing at you making a fool of yourself, working your ass off doing it for something that has no real value. A Black Man or Woman hit the news, you bring them down, a Black Man or Woman become successful, you bring them down, a Black Man hung on the wall of a church you bring him down. Let it be someone of European decent in the media, or on a church wall (Cesare Borgia, A Roman who killed people with poison to be exact), you suck the devil blood out of their feet and treat them more Holier than the creator that gave you a spirit, than...
Women With Children Have Benefits
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Fellas, Maybe that woman with that child/children will inspire you to achieve those character traits and to become who you are destined to become. I told myself I would never date a woman with children, but after analyzing what I had said, It was a selfish thought. Kids aren't asked to come into this world and it isn't their fault that their father either was killed, went to jail or just refused to take care of them. They need good men in their lives that can teach them the importance of love, integrity, respect and many other life skills. Being that role model have helped me become a better man. I'm a father to every child I encounter, it takes a community to raise a child and I'm that cool guy up the block. So, don't limit yourself to just a woman without kids or limit yourself to waiting for the right time because there's no such thing as the right time, the time is always, always, always, right now. - Jameel Davis 🗣🎙
A Man Is Not A Nigga & A Nigga Is Not A Man
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See the problem with most of y'all Ladies is, y'all don't know how to separate a Man from a Nigga. If you are out here seeking for a Nigga, you should know he's not a Man. Now, if you are seeking for a Man, you would know off top that he's not a Nigga. A Real Man don't label himself as a Nigga. A Real Man is not a follower and he does what it takes to handle is business. He's not dead from the neck up, he's not brainless, he doesn't point the finger, he doesn't blame others for his lack, he isn't lazy, he isn't selfish and he isn't arrogant. Most of all, he doesn't violate the rights of another human being. Instead he's a builder, leader, educator, protector, provider, and servicer for his family as well as his community. I'm proud to say my mother and grandparents raised a fine Man, not a Nigga. - Jameel Davis 🗣🎙
Missing Books of The Bible
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Someone said, "I have to know the whole BIBLE in order to know something was missing". I replied: Not necessarily... Because in the book of Esther Chapter 10, there are only 3 Verses. Why would they only have 3 Verses in Chapter 10 when they could have just extended Chapter 9? So Spiritual Leaders, Why is there only 3 Verses in Chapter 10 of Esther? Where are the rest of the verses and Chapters of Esther? Also, what does the Book of Revelations Chapter 19 and 22 say about adding to and removing things from the BIBLE? The rest of the book of Esther along with the other missing books of the BIBLE is in the Apocrypha. It's a reason why they hid those books from us and that's because those books will reveal the truth to the chosen people of God. The chosen people of God are not the rich, they are not the current people in Israel, they are not the people today that refer to themselves as Jews, but they are the Original Hebrews and the people who have been scattered to th...
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Don't depend on Luck , you'll be on hold forever. Don't depend on anyone else but the creator and if you plan to utilize anyone else make sure you plan ahead with your back up plans. Don't allow anyone else's tardiness or absence stop you from achieving the dreams you desire. - Jameel Davis
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People will dislike me for being me; I will be disliked for the things I say, the clothing I wear, and the things I don't do. But it's not my job to get others to like me or dislike me. It's not my job to be in the best interest of others but to be in the best interest of myself and the Creator of the universe. My job is to be the best me that I can possibly be. The universe 🌌 will handle those with negative tendencies. - Jameel Davis