A lot of people have a problem with Self-Confidence, so I have something to say about it: 

If Society; people, organizations and institutions are already against you, already doubt you, why would you vibrate on their same frequency and be against and doubt yourself? Like do really wake up everyday, look in the mirror and tell yourself you can't do? They doubt you because you doubt yourself. They see that your drive is weak for personal achievement and success. 

I wouldn't want you a part of my school, business, organization, club, sport etc. If you don't have the confidence in you that you can help us reach the next level. You can't have confidence in what we got going on, if you don't have confidence within yourself. #JameelDavis  

"Every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation. Your thoughts and words are declarations of who you think you are and how you perceive the world to be. Every time you think a negative thought or make a self depreciating comment you are actually affirming it as your personal truth. Fortunately, the same holds true for positive thoughts and statements." #JackCanfield 

To gain Self-Confidence, you must first change the limiting ideas, negative beliefs, and the self depreciating comments. Substitute words that doubt you and those that don't give you faith, with strong positive affirmations. #JameelDavis 

"Strong positive affirmations are powerful means of self-transformation and they are a key element in the creation of the life you desire. They work by purposely replacing the limiting ideas, negative beliefs and self-talk that you have taken on and internalized over the years with positive statements that assert who you want to be and how you want to experience life." #JackCanfield 

Here are some examples of positive affirmations:

* I am attracting joy into my life.

* I am confidently expressing myself openly and honestly.

* I am feeling exhilarated, agile  and alive.

* I am effectively communicating my needs and desires to my loving partner.

* I am looking around me at the faces of the people I am helping and I am thrilled to know that I have made a difference in their life.

* I am feeling relaxed and grateful to be sitting here in Hawaii with my toes buried in the warm sand, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. #JackCanfield 

Attached is a list of positive feeling words that you may want to use when creating your affirmations.  Remember, when creating affirmations you want to create positive, self-affirming, self-empowering statements that uplift and inspire you – that raise your emotional set point. #JackCanfield 

-  Jameel Davis | Jack Canfield 


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