REVEAL TO HEAL: This Is The Creator's World

A young woman reached out to me in regards to revealing her emotions and feelings to man and others, how she feel that her feelings aren't appreciated and feeling that a woman shouldn't exist in a man's world. 

Due to confidentiality, I won't reveal what she said exactly, but I'll reveal my response because it may be of assistance to those of you who may be experiencing what's she's feeling or something similar. 

My response: 

One should always reveal their true feelings and emotions. It's when you reveal the 90% of who you are that you experience true respect, love, intimacy and compassion. Those who keep their true being suppressed beneath the surface are the ones who don't experience respect, love, intimacy and compassion. (How would someone ever know how you feel if you do not reveal? We can't see right through you.)

You have to understand that , those who you may be deeply attached to may not be the ones for you. You can't force someone to develop the same feelings as you. Sometimes it happens and sometimes
It don't. You must be patient because good things and people don't come easy. Just like success, you have to work for it. 

You mentioned it being a man's world, which isn't true. Man made laws, but he didn't create the Earth and the seas, or the birds and the bees. As long as you fear man, you have no faith in the creator himself... (If you don't have faith in him, why should he grant you the happiness that you seek?) 

- Jameel Davis


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