You Can't Continue To Seek Dating Advice From Those Who Don't Have A Successful Relationship. Your Single friends shouldn't be your source for obtaining a successful intimate relationship. Nor those who are buried in an unhealthy relationship. The best thing is to evaluate your persons of interest based on the qualities and characteristics that are of importance to you, not your friends, not your family, not what you see on television or on social media. But what is important to you. - Jameel Davis
Showing posts from July, 2017
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The Truth is This. The Only Person That Know You Is You. Everyone Else Knows of You and What You Have Done. You are the only person that you spend the most time with, who thinks your thoughts as you think them, who feels your feelings and who experience life the way you experience it. Nobody can tell you about the experiences you had and they feelings you've felt. You are really alone and it's important that you find you, communicate with you, learn you and take care of you.
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The hearts of many men are so cold, but "not all." Those who have cold hearts haven't been taught how to love and receive love by their parents/guardians, also by the women who've made themselves available to them. Many women expect for those kind of men to behave a certain way when they haven't taught them how to love them. Instead of waiting for him to do something he is never going to do because he haven't been taught, TEACH HIM. All women aren't loved the same. It's imperative that you teach love instead of bashing the person who don't know how to love. End the cycle of belittling and create a cycle for healing. That's my mission. I don't believe in leaving my people behind, I help where I can. If they don't know I teach. Healthy Relationships is the key to living a healthy life. You learn to get along with people and life becomes easier. One shattered puzzle can always be put back together, with love and time. As far as religio...
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ALL OF US AREN'T DOGS. THE ONES YOU'VE DATED ARE. WHEN YOU BELIEVE A LITTLE GREATER YOU ATTRACT GREATER. So since you already have your mind set on that all men and or women aren't good, you will only attract those who really aren't. #LawofAttraction Chapter 6: You've Been Dating Wrong So Date Right in my new best selling book Cultivating Minds To Own Thyself
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Nothing Good is Going to Happen for You if You Continue to Fight to Bring Others Down and Attempt to Turn Others Against Them. The problem I have with most people is that they are quick to tear others apart instead of trying to build them up. When someone hurt your feelings, you don't have to retaliate by airing their faults, personal business and the lies you make about them to the world for attention. Either fix the problem with proper conflict resolution skills, or Ignore them and let it go. All the energy invested in bringing others down could be invested in you, getting you where you want to be in life. Ladies, when a guy approaches you wrong, instead of degrading, belittling, and bashing him on social media, correct him so that his next approach is successful, rather it's during a conversation or him asking you or another woman out. If you are already involved with someone, teach him how to properly address a woman so that he can properly ask her out. "Brea...
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The Majority of the Problem Will Always Be The Government, Police & The Courts, Not The African People. The same people that make up highly poverty dominated communities are the same people that make up majority of the court and correctional facilities. Which means miseducation and economic castration is the mother and father of violence and crime. The government is in charge of our education and employment. Laws and policies are harsh in our communities and lenient in other communities not populated by African people. Reason being, to keep the Elite (W. Supremacists) separated from the majority. Rich folks invest money into laws and policies to keep us inferior and to keep us going into the Injustice system, spending money we don't have, and doing more time for committing the same exact violation as someone who isn't African. No matter what Courtroom, Juvenile, Jail or Prison Facility, my people make up the majority. The U.S Constitution was never in f...