The Majority of the Problem Will Always Be The Government, Police & The Courts, Not The African People. 

The same people that make up highly poverty dominated communities are the same people that make up majority of the court and correctional facilities. Which means miseducation and economic castration is the mother and father of violence and crime. The government is in charge of our education and employment. 

Laws and policies are harsh in our communities and lenient in other communities not populated by African people. Reason being, to keep the Elite (W. Supremacists) separated from the majority. 

Rich folks invest money into laws and policies to keep us inferior and to keep us going into the Injustice system, spending money we don't have, and doing more time for committing the same exact violation as someone who isn't African. 

No matter what Courtroom, Juvenile, Jail or Prison Facility, my people make up the majority. 

The U.S Constitution was never in favor of the African people. When it was written, we were still in Captivity. We were considered property, not people. They still haven't included us in it. 

If a local, state or countrywide politician don't have it in their agenda to address or fix this problem they will never have my support and if they do lie and say they have it in their agenda and they fail to act, they should be held accountable by the people. 

They only way we can end this battle if we join forces with one another, take on the system (Government) ourselves and win. 

A War Won is a War Fought With The Enemies Blood Spilled.


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