If all the answers were in one book, there wouldn't be a library filled with the works of Authors, there wouldn't be more than one bible, or if all the answers were in one person, there wouldn't be over 4200 religions in the world. Like, the bible says "No Sex Before Marriage" but it tells that some men had several wives. But today it's considered to be wrong for them to have more than one. Last I checked, if the woman stepped out on her king regardless of the many wives, she was in violation. But today, the tables have been turned, pointing the finger at man for what was his right odd something years ago. During the nineteenth Dynasty in Egypt, a Queen by the name of "Nefertari" was in power with "Ramesses the Great". She was one of many wives, but continued to remain one of his favorites. Today, some consider their Pastors, Reverends, being Kings of the Village, and I bet my last dollar, many of them aren't just conducting bible st...