
Showing posts from 2012


Some of these young uneducated parents are setting their children up for failure; What will you do when your child reach grade school and ask you to help them with their homework or a school project? are they going to think their mommy and daddy is smart? or are they going to tell their teachers "my mommy and daddy don't know this stuff either"? How can you be comfortable with not learning? But comfortable spending your nights in these clubs and wasting time in lines to buy tennis shoes? Wake Up People!!! As long as they got name brand clothes and shoes is all that matters right? Same people that complain about gas prices and not having a job. A job application isn't enough to apply for a job; do you have basic interviewing skills, do you even know what a cover letter is? Do you know how to write a bomb resume? Do you have basic communication skills and writing skills? Do you have good references? (People that can describe your work ethics to employers) will you b...
Here's Some Food For Thought: When you're dating, you are not committed nor are you in a relationship. You are allowed to date as many people as you want (no sex). It's good to have options until you pick your one and only. If a person can't accept the fact that you are only dating and you're trying to find your mate, then they aren't worth dating. It's like a job interview: Why Should I Consider You Over The Next Person? How can you help contribute to my goals? What are your goals in life or for us? What are your strengths and weaknesses? etc. In conclusion, keep your eyes open and your ears open wider; Take Notes. Look out for actions and listen out for false information and fairy-tails. "Observe and Ask Questions". Don't let anyone play you like a fool. One Thing Is For Sure, I Can't Be Fooled, I'm Too Knowledgeable (I know more than what you think I know)!! Have A Great Day!
If Only I Had Money/Help To Do It!
My Deaf Friend Puddin' Grider Asked Me To Write About "Differences between the hearing world And deaf world" She noticed that jobs rather hire hearings than deaf. As for her, She never worked before & tried. That question has been on her mind forever and she stated " like what's the difference". I replied, I'm glad you told me that, I'm going to think about that and write about it. However in your situation that's called discrimination. If you felt like the jobs you applied for discriminated against you, they can be sued. In my opinion, there's no difference in work ethics between the hearing community and the deaf. I believe everyone deserves a chance. I've witness deaf people fly airplanes and play sports and I was excited to do my research and find out how they did it. Deaf people are human as well and just because they can't hear doesn't mean that can't perform normal job functions. Puddin' Grider my good fri...
One of My Friends Just Asked Me A Great Question Of Course A Man Like Myself Always Have A Great Response: "in order to make a relationship work, should both spouses be "trained" to the others liking, or if there has to be "training" in the first place, should there just be no relationship" There are 4 levels of a relationship: Friendship, Dating, Relationship, and Commitment. I wouldn't call knowing your partners likes training. However, the likes and dislikes should be established in level 1, "Friendship". That's the stage where you are getting to know one another without giving up girlfriend and boyfriend privileges. You are learning what each like and dislike, what makes them mad and what makes them angry, their goals in life etc. You should start dating that person once the two of you are comfortable with one another and what each other has going for themselves. During the dating stages, that's when you explore each others adv...
Many people aren't knowledgeable when It come to Love and Relationships. Many don't care when you address them with your feelings and problems. They are quick to say "Follow Your Heart". Your heart doesn't work without getting the signal from your brain. Someone who really cares wouldn't just say "Follow Your Heart" but instead try and help you put every piece back together. - Jameel
There's nothing better than having loving and caring people in your corner. Get rid of those people that attempts and manages to bring you down. Get rid of those ungrateful, begging, never contributing, nose turnt up, unhappy people. Stay away from violent people, let them have their own environment. #MotivationalMonday #GetRidMonday #WrittenByMe #PhotoByMe #Iphonography #PositiveInfluence #WiseMan #Givingback
No Matter How Many Times People Try To Bring You Down, Stand Strong, Ignore Them And Keep Moving On Up. If A Tree Can Reach It's Highest Peek After Being Climbed On, You Can Too. - Jameel #MotivationalMonday #Wiseman #Education #StrongMinded #PhotographByMe #Future


          After doing my research on Camilia Terry, I came up with an opinion of my own. First thing, for those of you who say you would have beaten her behind and what not, you would have been in jail as well. I understand you all have hurt inside, but murder is the same sin as beating her up, lying and stealing. Negativity gets you nowhere in life. Do your research before judging someone. I’m sure many of you with these negative feedback's are young minded, uneducated, and have no connection with Jesus Christ.           Yes, it’s wrong to take someone else’s life, but picture yourself growing up in a foster home and the reason you were there in the first place is because your parents were dysfunctional and you were physically, mentally, sexually and emotional abused. Picture yourself as a single14year old mother in foster care. You think you found love and you didn’t because you don...
Each Day You Awake, Rather There's Sunshine Or Not, You Must Always Walk By Faith. Faith Without God Is Failure, Without Him There's Nothing. If You Love And Trust In Him, There's No Excuse Into Why You Can't Love And Trust Yourself. You Can't Love Anyone Else Without Loving Him First And Loving Yourself. Look In The Mirror And Tell Yourself, I Love You Because God Loves Me.

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Family and Friends, I would like to apologize on behalf of my job/internship for not allowing me to enjoy this special day with you all. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday. Be sure to not just free load for food, but Instead use this day to touch bases with friends and family you haven't seen or spoke to In A while. Send some words of encouragement to the younger generation when you get the chance and show them some love as well. Remember, Thanksgiving isn't just about sharing a wonderful meal it’s about being thankful for what you do have. First, I would like to thank god the creator for giving my mother strength to birth me at a very young age and to be able to raise me Into a leader filled with pride, courage, love, intelligence, humor, respect, and confidence. She is amazing and I love her dearly. I also would like to thank God the creator for having my grandmother a part of my Life. Without her there would not be my mother and without h...
Good Morning World, Each Day You Awake Is An Opportunity To Start Off Fresh. You Can Start A New Relationship With Friends, Family, Co-Workers Or Whoever. You Have The Ability To Start A Relationship With The Creator . You Have The Ability To Start Over From Mistakes You Have Made In Life. You Have The Opportunity To Get Out Of That Abusive Relationship And Fall Into The Arms Of Someone Loving And Caring. You Have The Opportunity To Erase Negative People And Thoughts Out Of Your Life. Everyday Should Be A Day Where You Can Smile and Be Free. Remember It's Never To Late To Make A Change In Your Life, There's Nothing Wrong With Meeting Someone New And There's Nothing Wrong With Being Happy. I'm Glad I Was Able To Wake Up And Give You Some Words Of Wisdom. Not To Many People Care To Think About Others, They're Selfish. But Me, I Live For The Opportunity To Help Others. One Love, ~ Jameel!!

~ Some Food For Thought~

Self-Motivation is the best motivation. Nothing or no one motivates me more than myself. You got to sit down with yourself and talk. Ask yourself these questions; who am I? Am I happy where I'm at now? What Do I want to accomplish in life? What/Who is keeping me from accomplishing my goals? What positive influences can I surround myself with to keep me striving? Where is my support system? Are they doing their part? If you find yourself trapped in an uncomfortable situation, it's up to you to get out of it. No one is going to do it for you. If you are someone that keeps your circle small, you're missing out on many opportunities in life. You should take advantage of as many opportunities as you can. Get out and meet new people, it’s not a crime to have many friends and to meet new people. Also don’t let anyone choose your friends or tell you how many you can have. Here's a scenario:                There are five p...


Good Morning Everyone, I Want To Let Each and Everyone Of You To Know That I LOVE YOU Regardless The Closeness and Distance We Have. I Don't Hate Anyone, I Have Nothing But Love For Everyone. I'm Not The One To Judge But I Am The One To See The Good When Others See The Bad. For My People Out In The Streets, It's Never To Late To Change Your Life Around. There's Away Out Of Every Struggle, You Just Got To Have The Courage To Want To Change. Getting An Education May Not Be For You, But It's Safer and BetterThen Being In The Streets. I Have The Time Of A Life Time In School. College is where you will find your resources that you will need in life, lawyers, doctors and so forth. If you like making music, they have recording technology courses and labs for people who like making music. If School isn't a choice relocate and try to do positive things within the community. Take Advantage of the resources out there.

A Bragger <-- That's That Stuff I Don't Like

Sorry, I Can't Make Room For People Who Are Stuck In The Same Position And Are Not Trying To Progress In Life... I Dislike People That Always Talking About Progression and Still Be Sitting At Home On Facebook. I Think They Be Doing It For The "LIKE BUTTON" I Dislike People That Brag About Something They Don't Have or Brag About Something They Are Going To Get. I Don't Care What You Have And What You Are Going To Get. I Do Care If You Brag About Good Grades, A Degree, A New Job Position, Or A Promotion. That's The Stuff I Like To Hear About. Materialistic People Don't Matter To Me.


I Won't Be Happy If I Live Another Person's Dream, I'll Always Be Happy When I Continue To Do Things I Enjoy Doing. I Rather Be Free In This Society. Relationships These Days Are Like Slavery, A Person Try To Take Away Things That Make You Happy And Make You Live The Life They Want You To Live. They Want You To Abide By Their Rules and They're Not Your Master/Owner. I refused To Be A Caged Animal, I Refuse To Ask For Permission To Do Things I Like. I'm An Adult and My Mother Was The Only Person I Had To Ask Permission From. Well, I'm No Longer A Child and I Don't Have To Ask To Do Anything. I Rather Choose My Own Friends, And I Rather Answer To Myself. Things Happened In My Past and Present That Drove Me To Understand Who I Am And What I Want Out Of Life. "Marriage Is Society's Dream and It's Far From Mines As Of Now. I Use To Think Marriage Would Be Great, But My Kindness, Love, Hard work, And Achievements Has Been Taken For Granted Far Too L...


Listen Up: Just Please Yourself, Don't Live Your Life Pleasing Others... & In A Relationship, Don't Let The Other Person Try To Change You, They Either Except How You Are Or They Leave You Where They Found You. Also, Once You Do Get Committed Don't Let Your Friends Go, Find Time For Them Because You Will Need Them. Don't Let The Person Choose Your Friends Either, Choose Your Own. Either They Except Them Or They Don't. Make Time For Both, Try To Balance Them Out. There's No Law Stating All Your Free Time Is Dedicated To Your Significant Other. Continue To Do The Fun Things In A Relationship That You Did Before You Got Into One, Don't Let Them Spoil Your Fun. Not Every Woman Can Appreciate A Good Man And Every Man Can't Appreciate A Good Woman. You All Know I'm A Good Man, And I'm Still Not Appreciated After All The Positive Things I Do In Life. But I Ain't Stressing It, I'll Still Be Happy Rather If I'm Holding On Or Achieving My...

Can A Woman Be Truly Happy With A Positive Man?

Can you truly be happy with a positive man? A man that has a clean record, who doesn't stay out wee hours of the night, whose phone doesn't ring every 5 minutes, whose working on a college degree, working hard at a nice decent job, who takes care of all his responsibilities without being told to, who has a great sense of humor, who is respectful and loving, and who makes you his priority, but still chat & joke with his lady friends? If you are a woman that can be truly happy with this kind of man I salute you. However, it's some women out here that thinks that type of man isn't good enough. They want him all to themselves; no lady friends even if it's only a Internet relationship. If they lose out on that kind of guy, they can kiss finding another one goodbye. If he ain't good enough for you, no one is unless you want him to be the opposite of what I mentioned earlier and what he has accomplished. They say it's hard to find a good man and don't ...


Good Things Don't Happen To Selfish People, If Someone Is Giving You Things and Doing Good Things For You, Those Good Things Will Soon Come To an End When You Continue to Only Think About Yourself and Don't Give Back. It's Good To Think About Yourself, But It's Healthier To Broaden Your Thoughts and Think About Others Feelings and Needs As Well. Selfish People Struggle In The End. #RealityCheck

One Way Streets Where There Should Be Two Way Streets.

It's crazy when you be all you can be for the person that you are with and they take advantage of your kindness. She start developing her own rules for you to follow and she start talking to you anyway she want because she think you are submissive. When you defend yourself, she get mad and tell you "you're not the person I met or fell in love with." So now every time you stand up for yourself when she come at you with an attitude, she gets mad when you say something back. Now she go on and on about how you use to treat her and she was the one that caused the change in the relationship. You still do your part in the relationship, feed and care for her; but yet it isn't enough because you don't sweet talk her like you use too. Furthermore, you are working and she isn't. You are working your ass off during the week, current bills have been paid and you decide to step out on a weekend with friends and she gets mad when you do so. Now one of her expenses comes...
There Comes A Certain Point In Life When There's Way Better Things To Do Then To Party Every Weekend; I'm At That Point. I Have Something Better In Mind, It's A New Hobby I'm Working On.

He's Growing .

Being Popular or Well-Known, Doesn't Mean You Have Sexual Relationships With A lot of People. Don't Make A Ruling Without Evidence Judge!!
Even The Best Goes Through Struggles, But It's Up To Him/Her To Keep Their Head Up, Think Positive & To Stay Focused. I'll Bounce Back Soon.
Learn A Person's True Colors Before Sex, Commitment and Anything Else. That's How You Get Past The Lies. Pay Close Attention And Take Notes