
Showing posts from January, 2016

How Success Became My Focus

"How Success Became My Focus" by Jameel Davis is a gripping and potent story of shedding negative influences, hurdling obstacles and achieving personal success.  It is a look at overcoming the obstacles that keep others from achieving their dreams. Davis avoided many of the pitfalls that claim urban youths born to young mothers in communities plagued by high violence and high poverty in Cleveland, Ohio.  Readers who wish to experience this inspiring work can purchase “How Success Became My Focus” at bookstores everywhere, online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble  Click the link below and order your copy of "How Success Became My Focus" for only $9.95 For additional information regarding "How Success Became My Focus" or for media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866- 315-2708 .  Like "How Success Became My Focus on Facebook" https://www...

The Eyes Tell It All

They Say The Eyes Tell It All - There's No Coincidence That Those Who Are At The Face Of Religions, Jobs, Television, Music, Radio, and RACISM, ALL HAVE BLUE EYES!!! - Jameel Davis  #WAKEUP Your Pastors Are Preaching This: "White Jesus" If they argue that statement: Ask him or her, "What Color Were The Disciples?" if he state anything other than that "The Disciples Were In Fact Hebrews", then he is a lie. Then state to him that, "Jesus was also a Herbew, was he not? Then ask, "What Color Were The Original Hebrews?"  Jesus did not have blonde hair and blue eyes. The images that are on prison walls and churches throughout the world are not historically correct because history teaches us that Jesus was born on a region where the people had color.  There's proof in every bible that you ask us to read, Revelations First Chapter 14 and 15 that Jesus had hair like wool... Jesus was not a pale face (Malcolm X).  JESUS WAS BLACK  "At tha...

Is it really the single mothers making them weak or is it the men who left them to be single mothers that make them weak?

I was asked this question after posting the following image and comments:  Our Single Mothers Are Making Our Young Men Mentally Weak and Dependent On White Supremacy, by believing they don't need a man.  Listen here Lady, You May Not Need One, But My Little Brothers do!  #WakeUP  You are Collaborating In The Dehumanization and Destruction of My Brothers and It's Unacceptable! Turn off that damn television, get off social media, talking about "my son want for nothing he has all the clothes and shoes" and stop babying him and find him a dominant male role model.  And My Response To That Question Is Found Below:  We can argue both sides: Why are the men leaving? Why did they leave during the Trans-Atlantic-Slave-Trade? Why did they leave during the Segregation Era? Because in order to break a black man, make him weak, you have to destroy his mind. Create obstacles that prevent him from protecting and providing for his family, his children. How did they do it, ...
Television is promoting more homosexuality and no male dominance. Television is poisoning our minds and Black women are starting to think they are in Control now. They have been given an attitude of "I don't need a man" which is one main reason why Black Women have the highest divorce rate among other races and can't maintain a successful relationship. They are collaborating with our oppressors to Destroy the minds of our men and not thinking twice about their overall plan to get rid of the black race. Wake Up!!!  There's a reason why child support was created, there's a reason why welfare was created, there's a reason why jails were created, there's a reason why we as black men can't get decent jobs, or a decent education, there's a reason why public schools are closing, there's a reason why diseases and poverty exist. That reason is because they don't want Black Men to succeed. If you, as our black women continue to collaborate in our...
Our Single Mothers Are Making Our Young Men Mentally Weak and Dependent On White Supremacy, by believing they don't need a man.  Listen here Lady, You May Not Need One, But My Little Brothers do!  #WakeUP You are Collaborating In The Dehumanization and Destruction of My Brothers and It's Unacceptable! Turn off that damn television, get off social media, talking about "my son want for nothing he has all the clothes and shoes" and stop babying him and find him a dominant male role model.  - Jameel Davis  #YourLifeMatter #IamBlackHistory #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself
Love is a spiritual connection between two individuals. So there's no such thing as a broken heart. Something created spiritually can't harm you physically. You don't have a broken heart, You have a "Spiritual Disconnection".  - Jameel Davis 
Harriet Tubman once said, "I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more only if they knew they were slaves."  #BreakFree #FreeYourMind #Awake #BreakTheSlaveChains #YourLifeMatter#CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself
The Only Approval and Acceptance I Need Comes From Two Sources: 1.) The Creator 🙏🏾🌌☄ 2.) Self ♌️🔮✍🏾 #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #YourLifeMatter #JameelDavis #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus #SelfApproval #SelfAcceptance #TheCreator #Approval #Acceptance #SelfKnowledge 
I'm not interested in females that uses the term "NIGGA" and if she ever call me a NIGGA or refer to me as her NIGGA, she's dismissed. Period!  If she freely fix her mouth to call you NIGGA, a name that's meant to make you mentally weak and dependent on White Supremacy, then she will dance freely in the Degradation and Dehumanization of her own people to please the slave masters, while still being enslaved herself. She may think she's getting ahead, or establishing some form of control, but in reality she's collaborating with the oppressors plan to destroy the entire black race.    I will not shake hands with a man that freely refer to himself and his own brothers as NIGGA. I will not sell my soul for money, popularity, for a laugh or to be on television, in movies, and on a song. I will not dance in the Degradation of my own people to please the oppressors. I will no longer, support movies, television shows, music, events etc. that doesn't symbolize A...
I'm going to LOVE every WOMAN that comes my way. I'd NEVER let "damages" from my "past encounters", prevent me from giving the next WOMAN my all. Though, I'm at a point in life where I no longer wish to run in and out of relationships, which ever WOMAN is an "asset" to the growth of the empire, deserves and will receive my all.  - Jameel Davis 
👀👁🔬🔭🔎🔍🕵💃🏽 #JameelDavis #Love #Lust #Intend #Visualize #SoulMate #Unity #Together #Trust #Friendship #Partnership #Growth #BestFriend #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself


THERE’S NO PRIVACY WHEN IT COMES TO PROTECTING YOUR CHILDREN. Dear Parents and Guardians,     It’s very important that you take the time out to really know your children. Learn their attitudes; when they’re upset, hurt, afraid, as well as when they’re happy. It’s even more important that you know who their friends are. Store their friends number in your phone or contact book. Be sure to develop a positive relationship with their friend’s parents and save their contact information as well. Be mindful of what they post on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and who they interact with on those sites. Always be aware of their whereabouts, especially be aware of their place of employment and the extracurricular programs they are part of. “There’s No Privacy When It Comes To Protecting Your Children.”      I say this because, “Suppose you go to pick up your daughter at her job, and found out she have never worked there?”  Imagine you arrive at the res...

Maybe Love Wasn't There

MAYBE LOVE WASN'T THERE...  Maybe LOVE wasn't there because his/her parents didn't teach them, or better yet because his/her parents weren't taught either, or better yet, in the midst of being raised, them as well as their parents, were neglected of time, attention, and affection by their parents, all which are the key ingredients for developing LOVE. No one took the time to teach them, so they spend half if not all their life searching for something they know nothing about and do not exist because they haven't been taught it. So they produce a child and share the same behavior with them.  In these days, many men and women are quick to degrade and belittle one another due to the miseducation of their neglectful parents. He probably didn't have a loving mother and father figure in his life to teach him about responsibilities and how to love, that's why he do what he do. If the woman in his life didn't degrade, belittle or criticize him, but instead spoke ...
build one Massive Home and move all Single Parent Mothers in there whom are willing to Learn and to be Lead and take Care of them all as well as their Children. I'd Provide the Love and Care they never had and be that Dominate Male Role Model and Father Figure for Their Children.  - Jameel Davis  #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #AddingValue #CircleofSupport #Leadership #Wisdom #Love #Care #Respect #Intend #Gratitude #Grace #Visualize #JameelDavis #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus 
I can't be in a relationship with a woman who haven't read and gave me feedback and reviews on my books and projects, and who doesn't support me to the best of her ability. If she's too busy to support me, I'll be busy moving forward.  No one would ever know me, understand me, how I think, and how I feel and why I do the things I do, unless they read my work. I express myself through writing for the most part and I express myself by helping others become better than yesterday.  If you can't invest in me, my passions and desires, I can't invest my time, attention, love, affection and energy into you and what you are passionate about. I know how I can add value to your life and projects, but how can you add value to mine?  - Jameel Davis  #KnowYourWorth  #CircleofSupport #StopBeingSelfish #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself How Success Became My Focus
I apologize for the spelling error, it wasn't created by me. However, This hit home: But this results when one or both parties allow outside influences and our oppressors to destroy our subconscious mind.  I never wanted or imagined it happening either, but can no longer hold on to lust. I know my prince will be just fine though. We will create a more healthier home eventually. Minimizing Liabilities, Maximizing Assets!!  Big Bro Denairo Moneygottaloadofit thanks for sharing this on your page.   #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus #JameelDavis
Dear Queen,  I just want to explore your intellect; awaken your unconsciousness, feed your subconscious mind with the wisdom deep inside me so that you can have available the clarity of life. I want to help you define your worth, to show you that you are worth more than just a sex symbol. While exploring your well-being, you will understand it's no longer about me, it's not about you, it's about we, achieving all that we can be, while adding value to those we encounter daily and continuously. Developing Oneness. I'm not influenced by societies thoughts, decisions and actions. However, I'm influenced by the Divine Power I have inside, my inner God. I don't follow the norm, it's impossible for me to lead that way. With your time, attention, love, and affection, we'd be able to move mountains and experience the joys of life.  - Written By Jameel Davis (inspired by Ratanjit S. Sondhe) 
AS BLACK ✊🏿🌍✊🏿HISTORY MONTH APPROACHES:   The Success of Black People, especially of Black Men, will not be televised.  Our oppressors mission is to keep us inferior to them and they succeed by continuing to feed our mind negative messages; images, television shows and music. All designed to keep us mentally enslaved.  We were never dumb, lazy, arrogant, broke, poor, etc., once upon a time ago, we had it all. We are the founders of Thinking, Knowledge, Mathematics, Astrology, Science and everything else you can think of. But since we are a compassionate race, they were able to take our kindness for weakness and turn us against one another; rob us of our true history, origin, native language, native tongue, religion and our spiritual connection with our people.  It was a reason that we weren't allowed to read and write, and that reason is because we are the most talented and intelligent beings walking this earth and they wanted us to be inferior to them.  PROM...
Queen Shopping:  Not looking for Discounts or the Best Deals, I want her at the Retail Price. I want her Terms and Conditions and without a Warranty. I don't want to Return her back and risk getting a Refurbished one that will not function as well. A Queen who is priced at a Discounted Price or who is on Clearance is not of High value, High Quality. She is truly not a Queen, but she's a Pretender, she's Counterfeit.   - Jameel Davis 
Your Shoes Keep You Mentally Enslaved, My Shoes Allow Me To Experience ONENESS and to make a difference, add greater value, and make my best better.  Your shoes cost $160+ and keeps you in the same environment you were born and raised in, my shoes cost less than $50 and I've reached heights I never thought I could reach and I'm still climbing.  Life is more than expensive shoes, it's about wearing the right shoes that help convert our weaknesses into strengths and that help us serve those we come in contact with, unconditionally.  - Jameel Davis  #YourLifeMatter #HowSuccessBecameMuFocus #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #ONENESS #UniversalLaw #Intend #gratitude #visualize 
KNOW YOUR WORTH - what ever you advertise is what consumers are out to get. For example, if all you show is body pictures, but talk about you want a good man or woman, all your consumers want is your body. If you advertise money, cars, clothes, jewelry etc, your consumers only want what they see. Good men and women don't want what every individual can have, they want only what can be shared with them.  Images that reveal mostly sex appeal, shows that all you have to offer is good sex, nothing more. So all you will attract is individuals that are only seeking sex. If a television commercial advertise the new iPhone 6s, people who are only interested in that device but not the full benefits of the company will be in that check out line. They wan't it so they can say they got it and once it get old they are on to something new. Same thing goes for you. Know your worth! - Jameel Davis  #KnowYourWorth #SelfWorth #SelfDiscipline #SelfConscious #SelfAwareness #YourLifeMatter #HowSucc...
Public Service Announcement:  Another Television Image Destroying The Minds of Our Men: Promoting them to be feminine instead of being masculine. Black NBA Basketball player dolled up as a woman, encouraging black male children to become sexually challenged. Which mean, do not become heterosexual. Also, kids probably think it's alright to be like a woman and still play professional basketball. "WAKE UP"  Black people are so moved by money, expensive items and popularity, that they'd do almost anything for it, including degrading their own people for our oppressors. Our oppressors know money isn't power, but the control of the people is, but black people think money is everything and that's how they control us.  Media is controlled by our oppressors - Jameel Davis  #SpeakLife #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #Jameel #Oppression #MisEducation #WakeUp
If the Black Men are destroyed, then the Black People Are Destroyed, then we have a state of Genocide.  How do you destroy a Black Man? You destroy his mind. How are they destroying the minds of Black Men? By taking away their ability to provide and protect their family. Throw them in Jail, kill them off, make Black women more inferior than them and so forth.  Today, they are making men more feminine and encouraging them to wear dresses and make videos impersonating women; twerking and wearing women clothing. If our young sons are exposed to the image of men being like women, instead of men being the alpha male, he will grow up to dance in his mother's heels. The sagging of the pants, symbolizes homosexuality and white supremacy.  The day they can kill more blacks than blacks being born, will be the day they can predict the year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second, they can wipe out the black population. Pay Attention!!  Television is promoting more homosexual...
My Re-Evaluation period is in progress:  I will spend about one year redefining who I am and figuring out what I am looking for in a partner.  During my evaluation period, I will be digging deep within myself to find out what it is I want for myself and will make it my duty to get it.  I will use this time to develop more self happiness: do all the things I enjoy, take risks and focus mainly on myself because my happiness reflects on everyone around me.  My Re-Evaluation period will help me become more self-disciplined, self-confident, and it will help me determine self-worth, my passions and my divine purpose.  After I become more self-disciplined, gain more self-confidence, boost my self-esteem, determine my divine purpose and self-worth, I will begin evaluating myself for dating and my dating candidates.  What is it that I'm looking for in a relationship? in a significant other? I will evaluate myself and people of interest like recruiters do candidates ...
Find A Heart ❤ That Will Love You At Your Worst, And Arms 💪🏾That Will Hold You At Your Weakest!  Who can offer both to someone?  I ask because majority of individuals are only around for a season. That season could mean that you are at your highest peak like the position of the ☀️at noon and they could be at their lowest using your platform to hide their current disasters 🌪 . But when circumstance change and you are at your lowest again, they take off running.  Who can hold someone down no matter what the circumstance are and no matter what society think?  - Jameel Davis #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself  #HowSuccessBecameMyFocus 
Your Shoes Keep You Mentally Enslaved, My Shoes Allow Me To Experience ONENESS and to make a difference, add greater value, and make my best better.  Your shoes cost $160+ and keeps you in the same environment you were born and raised in, my shoes cost less than $50 and I've reached heights I never thought I could reach and I'm still climbing.  Life is more than expensive shoes, it's about wearing the right shoes that help convert our weaknesses into strengths and that help us serve those we come in contact with, unconditionally.  - Jameel Davis  #YourLifeMatter #HowSuccessBecameMuFocus #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself #ONENESS #UniversalLaw #Intend #gratitude #visualize