Maybe Love Wasn't There

Maybe LOVE wasn't there because his/her parents didn't teach them, or better yet because his/her parents weren't taught either, or better yet, in the midst of being raised, them as well as their parents, were neglected of time, attention, and affection by their parents, all which are the key ingredients for developing LOVE. No one took the time to teach them, so they spend half if not all their life searching for something they know nothing about and do not exist because they haven't been taught it. So they produce a child and share the same behavior with them.
In these days, many men and women are quick to degrade and belittle one another due to the miseducation of their neglectful parents. He probably didn't have a loving mother and father figure in his life to teach him about responsibilities and how to love, that's why he do what he do. If the woman in his life didn't degrade, belittle or criticize him, but instead spoke highly of him, motivated him and found him resources such as role models or good books to teach him the importance of responsibilities and how to love, he'd be a better man. Same thing goes for a woman. Instead of being against her, seek her help.
- Jameel Davis
"Cultivating Minds To Own Thyself" coming soon...
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