I can't be in a relationship with a woman who haven't read and gave me feedback and reviews on my books and projects, and who doesn't support me to the best of her ability. If she's too busy to support me, I'll be busy moving forward. 

No one would ever know me, understand me, how I think, and how I feel and why I do the things I do, unless they read my work. I express myself through writing for the most part and I express myself by helping others become better than yesterday. 

If you can't invest in me, my passions and desires, I can't invest my time, attention, love, affection and energy into you and what you are passionate about. I know how I can add value to your life and projects, but how can you add value to mine? 

- Jameel Davis 

#KnowYourWorth  #CircleofSupport #StopBeingSelfish #CultivatingMindsToOwnThyself How Success Became My Focus


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