KNOW YOUR WORTH - what ever you advertise is what consumers are out to get. For example, if all you show is body pictures, but talk about you want a good man or woman, all your consumers want is your body. If you advertise money, cars, clothes, jewelry etc, your consumers only want what they see. Good men and women don't want what every individual can have, they want only what can be shared with them. 

Images that reveal mostly sex appeal, shows that all you have to offer is good sex, nothing more. So all you will attract is individuals that are only seeking sex. If a television commercial advertise the new iPhone 6s, people who are only interested in that device but not the full benefits of the company will be in that check out line. They wan't it so they can say they got it and once it get old they are on to something new. Same thing goes for you. Know your worth!

- Jameel Davis 

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