Is it really the single mothers making them weak or is it the men who left them to be single mothers that make them weak?
I was asked this question after posting the following image and comments:
Our Single Mothers Are Making Our Young Men Mentally Weak and Dependent On White Supremacy, by believing they don't need a man.
Listen here Lady, You May Not Need One, But My Little Brothers do!
You are Collaborating In The Dehumanization and Destruction of My Brothers and It's Unacceptable! Turn off that damn television, get off social media, talking about "my son want for nothing he has all the clothes and shoes" and stop babying him and find him a dominant male role model.
And My Response To That Question Is Found Below:
We can argue both sides: Why are the men leaving? Why did they leave during the Trans-Atlantic-Slave-Trade? Why did they leave during the Segregation Era? Because in order to break a black man, make him weak, you have to destroy his mind. Create obstacles that prevent him from protecting and providing for his family, his children. How did they do it, they took the most aggressive black man tied his limbs to horses going in opposite directions and whipped the horses, extracting his limbs while his wife, children and others stood by and did nothing. They put the fear of God in them.
Fast Forward to present day, our men are being killed by uniformed officers, the majority of black men can't get a decent job or education, because of this fear of God (the white man) syndrome and what are black women and children doing? Just observing, not helping. The fear of God is in them as well. So the women today, are psychologically independent and don't need a man for protection because of this, so she raise her children with reverse roles. Protecting her boy from being a victim, babying him and not providing him with the resources he need to be independent, which she can't because only a man can do that, and raising her daughter to be independent. Not depending on a man. This results in more black women graduating from college, getting better jobs, while black men are lead into incarceration.
If this isn't enough for you, why are public schools closing? Why haven't Oprah opened an all Black school for boys in Africa? This is bigger than what you can see with the naked eye.
A Genocide is approaching and I'm awake. Are you???
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