If the Black Men are destroyed, then the Black People Are Destroyed, then we have a state of Genocide. 

How do you destroy a Black Man? You destroy his mind. How are they destroying the minds of Black Men? By taking away their ability to provide and protect their family. Throw them in Jail, kill them off, make Black women more inferior than them and so forth. 
Today, they are making men more feminine and encouraging them to wear dresses and make videos impersonating women; twerking and wearing women clothing. If our young sons are exposed to the image of men being like women, instead of men being the alpha male, he will grow up to dance in his mother's heels. The sagging of the pants, symbolizes homosexuality and white supremacy. 

The day they can kill more blacks than blacks being born, will be the day they can predict the year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second, they can wipe out the black population. Pay Attention!! 

Television is promoting more homosexuality and no male dominance. Television is poisoning our minds and Black women are starting to think they are in Control now, catering to the plans and desires of our oppressors. That's one main reason why Black Women have the highest divorce rate among other races and can't maintain a successful relationship. They are collaborating with our oppressors to Destroy the minds of our men. Wake Up!!! #consciousness #wakeup #YourLifeMatter #hiddencolors2


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