I personally believe when you ask your higher power for something, you are really speaking to the spirit within yourself because it is you who decides rather or not to put in the effort to achieve what it is you are asking for. No one gets you off the couch but you. 

Studying the Law of Attraction; you attract what you fear and you attract what you desire based upon the energy you choose to emit. 

Positive Affirmations + Action = Results

Negative Thoughts, leads to negative actions and negative actions lead to severe consequences. 

Fear and God don't occupy the space space. Its like two magnets that you are trying to put together, it won't happen. So either you choose one or the other, FEAR OR FAITH. 

If you have fear within you, I believe you are honoring the wrong God/Higher Power. So given that perspective, I choose to live without fear and part of that reason is because I speak to the power within me. 

- Jameel Davis 


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