At Times When You Know a Woman is Vulnerable, Don't Play on Her Weakness. Instead, Show Empty. Love Her & Guide Her. 

Ladies when you begin to feel an emotional disconnection, you have to develop enough self discipline to give you time to heal. At this state you are emotionally needy and your emotions may have taken place of your intelligence. You may be subjected to try anything to numb the pain. 

When you are at your lowest, there will be men who will play on your emotions in order to sleep with you, creating more damage than has already been done. They will approach you with sweet talks, ask to take you out for dinner and drinks, and to be invited to your place. When they do, decline. Also, your girlfriends may try to get you to date a guy who they deem is a good fit for you. Decline. Remember, you are trying to heal yourself. You aren't ready to be dating. You want to make yourself available (non sexually) to those who have interest in restoring you to your original state of being. Not, blinding you with food and alcohol thinking it's a first aide kit that will heal the damage that have been done. 

When you are at your weakest, develop the strength to stand on your feet. Develop the strength to discipline yourself to close the door to your bedroom, your body and liquor agencies. Getting your womb massaged won't heal you from the pain. Instead it may hurt you even more, especially if you let that person in and he didn't plan on staying. Develop the strength to seek love and empathy from your true friends and loved ones, so that you can be restored back to the true you and so you may enjoy your purposeful life. 

- Jameel Davis 


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